@OHGFawx ^yeah, this is what i am afraid of, the online and digital games that i have expiring sometime in the future so that i can never play them again. I recently bit the bullet and bought Diablo 3 + RoS on PC because I couldn't wait to see whether or not Blizzard would release RoS on PS3.
I figure if I put in AT LEAST 60 hours of gameplay, then I will not be angry at myself once the servers go down several years down the road. Sure I will not be able to play a game that requires online because the servers will most likely be dried up in 5-10 years (maybe more), but if I put in one hour for every dollar I spend on a game, then I will feel like I got my money's worth. It took me 16 years of gaming to come up with that justification (I'm 22 now), and my "buying games impulsively" addiction has gone down significantly because of it.
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