Arrrrgh, I want the holidays to hurry up. -___- Mainly because I'm *hungry*! D:
Thanksgiving is coming up. Mom's fixing turkey, she'll be putting out various veggies, along with pumpkin pie! :D Then, I also have to go to my dad's house. As much as I don't wanna spend the holidays with him(because of his old lady, ya see.), I kind of have to. Oh well, at least Grandma makes good food. :|
But, Thanksgiving isn't my most anticipated holiday! Christmas is! Especially now that I already see presents marked to me under the tree! :cry:
So, Aaron wants to see my Christmas wishlist, since I've seen his. I've decided to postmine here. But, this is more like a "All Around Wishlist", not just a Christmas wishlist. And no calling me spoiled, otherwise I'll have my big sis throw a flaming brick at you! :evil:
Borderlands Game of the Year Edition(Xbox 360)
Smackdown vs. Raw 2010(Xbox 360)
RealGig with Guitar(Xbox 360)
Rockband 3(Xbox 360)
Guitar Hero 6 with guitar(Xbox 360... Again.)
Bass amp(I can't hear myself correctly when playing Bass! D": )
Final Fantasy XIII Vanille Playarts
Final Fantasy XIII Fang Playarts
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Playarts
The Sims 2 expansion packs(I want my Sims 2 stuff. >:/)
Iron Man
Iron Man 2(I want these movies! D: )
200 bucks on my Debit Card(I'm running low on money on the card. Any amount of money over 10 bucks'll do. :()
The World Ends with You(DS)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days(DS)
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep(PSP)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children(DVD. Though I wouldn't mind Complete either, since dad has a Blu-Ray player now.)
Earrings(I. Want. Earrings. >:/)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy(I want this game, and have wanted it since it came out.)
Bayonetta(Xbox 360)
The Last Remnant(Xbox 360)
Elite Beat Agents(DS)
Microsoft Points
1 Year XBLG
My Little Pony: Butt Tattoo Parlor(Xbox 360)
Some storage stuff. Especially for my closet.
... Believe me, this list isn't even 1/10th as big as my Christmas list a few years ago. :|
I'm thinking about changing my sig back to the Christmas sig Sentinus333 made me a while back. After Thanksgiving, of course. Though I would kind of like a new one, since I'm not so much into KH anymore.
Anyway, I can't wait until Thanksgiving! I'm gonna eat alot. :P
I also can't want until I get to set up the tree. I swear to god, if Brian tries to set it up just because I was asleep when Mom tried to get me to set it up, I *will* explode. :x
Anyway, bye Home Skittles! I'm trying to complete my 500th blog. :P