So, me and Aaron were playing Dead Rising 2 a little while ago... He went to the bathroom when we were in the beginning of the game. While he was gone, I started messing around with various things in the game. Then, I found the door. I went outside. I closed the door in-game, and...
Got a nice little Fulfillment Bonus! :D
So then...
Then, Aaron walked back in, holding our 2 liters of Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. What did he say? "Kate, don't do that, you'll trigger an easter egg..."
But, it was too late, and he didn't mention what kind of Easter Egg it was...
I saw a giant teddy bear standing in the doorway :oops:
Followed with a sudden "RARGH!!!" :o
On my end, it was "Aww, what a cute teddy be- HOLY ****! :cry:"
... Scary easter egg scared me :| Stupid teddy bears :x
So, anyway, luckily I didn't need a change of pants... But if my bladder wasn't already emptied, I certainly would've :x :x :x
Stupid Bears :x