sithlordJ / Member

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life goes on

Ok, i have not been able to connect to gamespot in a while.That is because my fathers live separated, and i am still living with them.they kicked out my father out of his rental depto,partly because his partying,partly because my late,late,late nigth gaming, so he was forced to purchase one.

However, this depto was not even built yet!and my good computer lies within my father`s claws.So i have been force to use a crappy and old MAC.However one day,i could not enter to gamespot anymore!

luckily enough, the depto will be finished in a mere week so my internet surfing activity will reach yet another peak

Unluckily,my mother will move out at the same time that my father, so it will be an all new atmosphere for me and also a time of sligth chaos

i would like to apologize if i wasted your time with my ridicolous life