The_AI: "Headcrab Zombies: ZOMBIES. Obvious, again. They're dead people, killed by headcrabs. After the victim is corpsified, the headcrab hops onto the victim's noggin and takes control of the nervous system. The headcrabs alone aren't zombies for sure, but the bodies that the headcrabs take control of are zombies. And they shamble better than the Ganados." Actually, they are not dead. Their screams, if reversed, say "Help!", drowned in agony. Which is to say, they are not really dead (until you kill them, anyway), they´ve just lost control of their bodies. Otherwise, why does the headcrab leave the body after you shoot it? Because then it dies.
"The hardware which has Pokémon on it will be the winner". WHat a bold comment! This guy bathes with money, I tell you. And always a cigar on his mouth. I think they should release an online pkemon and end this madness! But no. This guy is too greedy to give Pokémon the end it deserves.
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