@zircurto it doesnt cost 1500 up for a descent pc you numb nuts!, and on console no Bf2 no CSS and trust me pumped up those games are nuts make xbox 360 graphics loook like a toy, and say for a verly desent pc that could easily beat a 360 cud build one for 300bucks that crysis pc 750 whatever it is is a joke just nvidia taking advantage but thats another story!, you just dont know didly squat so i spose from you're stand point xbox 360 is you're only option, so thats what you should say is, im to dumb to build or know anything about pc so xbox 360 is the way to go for me, you're really not as brainy as you think, what im saying is if you havent already got the point, im sure you have, you know nothing about pc's so you just assume there 1500 for a descent one nuff said. Another pc myth computers need to be upgradded every two months total bs myth busted, if you think im wrong good, keep playen you're cosnole it doesnt bother me one bit!.
Ps3 over hyped for graphics the worst here easy, and i dont care about Killzone 2 the kudos for that game should goto Guerrilla who worked and worked there buts off, but Sony and you ps3 fanboys will say its all to the ps3 yadayadayada idiots!, thats why i kinda despise them. But ohwell its fine because other developers will look at killzones engine and go wow this is easily doable on pc and xbox because how revolutionary the code is and Guerrilla will finally get the credit they deserve and you fan boys will all be choking it up when the new crysis comes out looking 10 x better than Killzone 2 using similar code to killzone 2 but keeping some aspects of the crytek engine, Ps3 is holding killzone 2 back so be interesting to see how far this wonderful tech could go. As for pc costing to much thats bull as for ps3 being better in any of these screen shots is bull anyone saying xbox or ps3 is much better vaule for money than pc is bull because they dont have the slightest idea, just dont go around making up storys everywhere, i know all you sony clowns hate me and thats fine. you all dont even know if you coming or going, and you're life consist pretty much of defending the POS3 come on its only a games console and a pretty average one at that.
Sony guys, come-on it use to be sony was the greatest pieace of gaming hardware ever conceived, now because xbox proves to have better graphics, its not about graphics, If you guys just gave it a rest there wouldnt be these comparriosons because graphics wouldnt be at the fore front so much, even if there is doesnt mean its fanboysim, the only fanboyisim is you thinking a fair comparrison is, but ohwell keep making up storys its pretty obvious you have nothing better to do since the majority of comments are from sony fan's. And seriously if you think theres no diffrence you should seriously go see a optometrist or look with both eyes because its pretty bleeding blantantly obvious, xbox wins im not a fan boy its just fact, get over it. @epross i could buy an xbox with supperior graphics and a stand alone br for about the same price as a ps3 if not cheaper so just stop it. Besiodes im not saying ps3 isnt a good blueray games console combo its just not the point thats all. And then i see a comment like this,"So anybody who still thinks that the Xbox 360 is still more capable graphically than the PS3 should see gamespot's preview of killzone 2, that game gives Gears of War 2's graphics (apparently best on the 360) a run for its money". But i thought it was about gameplay now???.
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