I sold my ps2 a while ago,but i have a 3ds xl though.I m not really excited about it, i prefer my good big screen. I dont really like using it although i have some games,the only game i bought it for is pokemon x and y
sizons' forum posts
I tried dark souls and i liked it,but i dont like the whole searching for guides thing so i will be skipping it. I dont like stealth games at all so deus ex didnt appeal to me I cant find a copy of valkyria chronicles in the place that i liveMay want to check out Dark Souls, as that game can easily last a very long time, but it's realy only for dedicated players... The difficulty is exaggerrated by many people, but the game will still kick your ass if you're not prepared. Â It is actually fairly balanced with its challenge, if played correctly. Â The issue is learning what moves and tactics work for you as a gamer, but there should be a point where everything clicks and you suddenly feel like you can take on anything.
I've heard that the game Valkyria chronicles is very good. Haven't played myself, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. Â May want to check it out.
Deus Ex Human Revolution is also really good, although it's more an RPG in the sense of "you choose how you want to play" than "bring a party of people through dungeons."
If you can find Tales of Xillia of Resoance of Fate, both of those games are incredibleTheLastGamer122[QUOTE="Kimura410"]Well, I made a huge thread over this a week ago. Been having the same problem as you, because there are not many good ones these days. I LOVE final fantasy but really despised FFXIII, XIII-2 I havent gotten to yet but played a demo and it was ok. IF you have a PS1 or PS2, you can play one of the best FF's ever, the one that started my love for RPG's, FFVII. Not sure how Tales of Xillia will be, but if its anything like an older Tales game that I am currently playing, Tales of Vesperia, then it will be amazing. I LOVE this game, and havent had a game in a long time that while I am playing through it I am repeating to myself "this game is awesome!" (yes, I was doing that yesterday). If you got the money I would get those two games which would tie you up for a month each. Those are true RPG's. Tales is on Xbox 360 and ps3 I think, I cant tell you for sure. even though it is older, it is still $40, which to me is a mark of a great game, because FFXIII is, what $9 or something and they came out about the same year. I am waiting on GTA V and Tales of Xillia as well. FFXV will be out later this year, as well as FFX remake for Ps3, which you should also pick up, as FFX is one of the best FF's as well. Thanks for taking time to reply. I m not a hardcore rpg fan i said, i m not willing to play something that old as a ps1 game ;). Nope tales of vesperia isnt ported to ps3. Yeah ff x hd collection looks really good i might pick it up.I think i will be waiting for xillia reviews. Well.Here some older games are expensive too,like dragon age ultimate edition it costs 50$,and ff 13 costs 30$. Tales of xillia costs 50$ and through psn graces costs 40$.I think i m going to get dao since its cheap (the normal version is 15-20) and wait for xillia reviews,since graces if a wii title after all.
Hello guys i am really getting bored right now ,just finished final fantasy xiii and xiii-2 and i think they were good enough . I am waiting for gta v ,but i want a game to fill that gap. Can you reccomend me a good rpg/jrpg for the ps3?
I m not interested in: Skyrim(i dont like the combat at all), dragons dogma,ni no kuni(i dont like the graphics,they are similar to saturday morning cartoons) and mass effect because i already finished the trilogy(they were awsome!)
Bare in mind that i m NOT a hardcore rpg fan.
Games i have in my mind: tales of xillia coming next month,dragon age origins.
Hello guys i am really getting bored right now ,just finished final fantasy xiii and xiii-2 and i think they were good enough . I am waiting for gta v ,but i want a game to fill that gap. Can you reccomend me a good rpg/jrpg for the ps3?
I m not interested in: Skyrim(i dont like the combat at all), dragons dogma,ni no kuni(i dont like the graphics,they are similar to saturday morning cartoons) and mass effect because i already finished the trilogy(they were awsome!)
Bare in mind that i m NOT a hardcore rpg fan.
Games i have in my mind: tales of xillia coming next month,dragon age origins.
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