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fun is hard

Okay, this is starting to annoy me. A couple of months ago I was reading an article. I can't remember where and it may have even been linked from GameSpot News, but it was an article or forum or something about the different types of fun in games. I think there were like seven types. Of course I can't remember them all (that's why I google-searched for like 2 hours yesterday) but I think some of them were: competition, sensory stimulus, cooperation, challenge/mastery, fantasy, exploration, freedom/control, community, etc... Okay that's like 8, but since I don't have the article in front of me, there's probably some redundancy in my list and my word choice isn't as concise.

Anyways, have you ever really liked a game or really disliked a game, and say one of your friends has a polar opposite reaction to the same title? It's because you both have different ideas about what's fun. The article or forum had some interesting suggestions about a game that could be set or tailored to the tastes of the player. MMOs already have something like that, since there's enough of a variety in what to do that two people can play the same game, yet play it with different styles to satisfy different notions of fun. Maybe you like killing things, or maybe you just wanna hang out and trade items with people, for example. But the idea presented was more aimed at single player experiences. Instead of simply adjusting the difficulty of a game, why not adjust the goal of the game to fit the player. Like exploration? Okay, lets emphasize that! Rather tackle a tough boss? Okay, we got that. How about forgetting that you're somewhere OTHER than your mom's basement? Fine, we'll suspend your state of disbelief with a nice ambiance. Some of the most successful attempts by games to have a broad appeal is to offer as many of these things as possible. MMOs tend to turn you loose and say "Do whatever you want." Other games do it by offering different types of game play, be it all at once or varying the point of each level (Earthworm Jim, anyone?). I got a lot more to say about this, but I'd better get some work done...