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Burger King commercials need to be dethroned [Part 2]

I can't believe it.

In my original blog on this subject (;title), I stated that as long as BK kept up their insane commercials, I would not patronize them. But, they kept going, so, I added that if BK behaved itself for a full year, I would return. It went nearly 10 months without a vapid, crude, sophomoric, violent, bizarre, ad, and then, tonight, inexplicably, they showed the King storming through a business office, smashing through windows, being chased by mental institution orderlies . . . think about this: BK advertisers and owners actually approved an ad that shows that their own mascot is insane.

Never mind that I have not missed eating there (and they, probably, have not missed me), but, as long as they continue their absurd, unfunny, ads, I will refrain from dining at BK. Do they truly believe that the drunk, college, frat boys, of whom these ads are clearly aimed at (they can't be aimed at intelligent people . . . or the witless, for that matter, who, in their state of mind, probably take it seriously), are laughing or enjoying these kinds of ads, or even thinking to themselves, "Golly, I simply MUST go to BK"? Yeah, right.

Congratulations, BK! I put you on a one-year parole, but you made it only 10 months. Obviously, you haven't learned your lesson, so I am now doubling your punishment to two years from the last time that I see an ad that has no redeeming features whatsoever, which, currently, means February 22, 2012. During that time, I will continue to enjoy your competitors' products, and won't miss you in the slightest (I have come to realize that both Arby's and Hardees have superior products at equitable prices); of course, the date will be pushed out each time I see another vile ad.

Whether or not anyone who reads this feels the same way is up to them, but I know that I have shown the light to a few people.