I'm back! Sorry that my last blog was so short and rushed, I typed it from school. Anyways, so I went to Fredericton for 2 days to go to the Provincial Math Competition, two of my friends went too so it was really fun. I got to learn some Korean, cause one of the girls that came with us was from South Korea. I now know how to say "Please", "Thank you", "You're late" and "I love Lost". I think I did okay on the test (I hope :S), we have to wait 2 weeks to get our results, which kind of sucks. It took us 3 hours to drive there, it was kind of nice cause I got to catch up on listening to my subscribed podcasts. We stayed in residence at UNB, I sware that the rooms were smaller then a storage closet! And it got up to like 100C degrees so I couldn't sleep at all. But on the bright side, we got to go to the mall for about 4 hours, which was great cause I don't really have a mall were I live. And they have a bookstore!!!! :D :D My Lost book collection increased a fair bit after going in there. My collection is now...
- The LOST Chronicles by Mark Cotta Vas
- Finding LOST by Nikki Stafford
- Getting LOST by Orson Scott Card
- Unlocking the Meaning of LOST by Lynnette Porter & David Lavery
- LOST: Endangered Species by Cathy Hapka
- LOST: Secret Identity by Cathy Hapka
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Also, Carrie and Catch-22 should be coming in the mail any day now. I also bought this months copy of the official LOST magazine, I think I'm going to buy a subscription cause they don't sell it anywhere here. I'm going to try and get Lord of the Flies and Bad Twin soon. Is there any others that I should get?
Also, my cutting back on TV is going very well, I havn't watched Bones, House or Desperate Housewives in 2 weeks. It's been really really hard to stop watching Bones, but I think I'll be able to stay away from the finale next week. Only 2 more weeks till exams, I'm starting to get nervous... but then after that I get to go to Ottawa for a week, which is going to be really great. Anyways... thats it for right now.. ta ta... :)