for the record i'm no fan of 3 as i said in my earlier post although it was much better than 2.
what you don't seem to realise whilst you're sat on your high horse patronising us "casual" gamers is that all these "solutions" you cite didn't escape us. you're not some gaming guru who noticed these things whilst the rest of us plebs sat there scratching our heads like a bunch of simpletons wishing there were more tutorials and hand holding. we know how to deal with enemies who drive cars. use the turrets. lob some grenades at their car. stop and engage them in a gun fight and pick them off when they get out the vehicle. it's hardly rocket science despite how much you want to pat yourself on the back because you "got it."
the point is that the feature of the game that initiates this kind of thing is not FUN. why, when i leave any village, does EVERY single person or vehicle i encounter, including my allies ffs, chase me down to the death? maybe that makes sense to you because you seem to have an uncanny knack of justifying some god awful gameplay decisions as realistic but to the rest of us it was f*cking annoying when it happened time after time after time after time after.... it's simply not fun.
just like the fact that you would clear out a guard post only for it to fully respawn minutes later. "everything in far cry 2 makes sense" you say. no it doesn't. those things make no sense whatsoever. that weapons can last just a matter of minutes before they jam and become useless makes no sense in a game in which weapon shops are spread out so widely. sure have them degrade, but so quickly? why? is it realistic? maybe it is, i'm no guerrilla mercenary. but is it fun? no of course it's not. it's excruciating. like so many things from the game. no stealth, no prone, eagle eyed enemies who spot you from miles away, bullet sponge enemies who can take several rounds to the head before they drop. all don't make sense. all are not fun.
of course there is NO way you could notice these things. i know. that's the problem. you're a patronising egotist who's great at excusing shit game design because, through your twisted logic, you justify it as realism. if only us casual gamers were as hardcore as you then maybe we too could focus less on having fun and more on the important things like pseudo realism.
and you say that if your vehicle is destroyed, then you have to walk, its simple logic... brilliant, thanks for that insight. the point you're missing, once again, is it's not FUN. i don't care if it's realistic, walking for miles to my objective is not fun. just like the malaria thing. the point is it makes little sense for ubisoft to include this kind of "realism" in the game when instead they could have focused on much more important core gameplay mechanics, which they got badly wrong, in my and many others' opinion. if you find all these things fun then you're one of very few people with a tolerance for boredom that goes well beyond us casual gamers who can only aspire to be as magnanimous and hardcore as you
Yea, ok. It wasn't fun for you. But for me, 3 was so boring but 2 I could enjoy. And this it true.
I enjoyed because it was realistic? no. Because it was a very long campaign and always kept me in fight. That's why. So respawning enemies was good for me. I'm not delighted in having friendships with AIs. I'm not having fun when I see AIs shooting each other. Some times it is hilarious though, not every time I want to see. It is only ME who plays the game. So I wanna fight. On my own. I play games because I wanna play, I wanna control characters then fight with AIs, I play for gameplay not for cut scenes or characters. Sometimes they are impressed but, I think these "other than gameplay" stuff just too much these days. In my opinion.
I said "make sense" that meant for gameplay. Not about background of its story. Car crushed, so you walk, or you attack an outpost then steal their car, in far cry 2, each time you have to choose, manage risks, your health/ammo and reach save points to save your progress. When you finished a mission, go back to a store then change your weapons, or buy new ones with diamonds you got, then go get a mission again. This, whole things are 1 track. you do this track over and over then reach the end. or reach another map. this is the gameplay of far cry 2. which you may think boring, but it was something for me.
Far cry 3, cars don't make sense because there is a fast travel that takes you every single location. Money don't make sense because of radio towers. I know there are special weapons that can be purchased with a lot of money. So I can take money in this game as optional stuff. I know. So may be I couldn't say "make no sense". But in far cry 2, money, car, everything is for beating enemies, for make game progress. It was very solid choice. That's why I liked it. And disliked 3. I wanna feel thrill man. 3 was very easy, like every option is an easy mode. whiny girly protagonist dealt everything for no reason. Yes, I personally hate this protagonist, may be that's why I hate this game like crazy.
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