if you are really desparate (like me), try craigslist for your city. i got a guy who says he has 1100 orders already and will fill every one of them on launch. it seemed shady, but payment isn't due until delivery, and delivery is personal delivery to my apartment. payment is through escrow.com, which is a legitimate site (i checked). worst comes to worst, he wont have any, but it wont cost me anything. he said hell have more info by tomorrow for sure. im just wondering how this guy can get thousands of units. does that make sense to any of you, considering the shortage? i asked him about it and he said that sony is being kind to the little guy this time. i dont know. i guess well see. he sent me an invoice. no need for a credit card number or anything. he does now have my address and phone number and email though, but then again, i have his info too.
i just preordered from some guy on craigslist. he says hes definetely gonna have a lot of them. the money goes into an escrow account on escrow.com. i havent even had to put any money in yet. he said ill get a purchase order soon, and that i wont pay until delivery. he says it will be personal delivery by himself on the 17th of november! he stressed that i cant have it before the 17th of november. i said i dont care as long as i get it on the 17th. it does seem shady but there is no risk to me. i havent even put the money in escrow. well if he has his sh!t together. i ordered 3! one for me, 2 for ebay!
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