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WII or 360

If you've read my other post (Which i doubt you have) I WAS going to get a wii but of course they are all sold out. Now im not sure if i should get a wii or 360. No I don't have enough money for a 360 but if i wait and ask for mostly giftcards for gamestop...
       So here is where I'm torn, Wii is awesome and legend of Zelda defenitely looks cool and i bet the other games are awesome too. The 360, on the other hand seems to be getting all the REALLY good games (i.e. Gears, Halo 3, shadow run(I don't know about shadow run but it looks awesome :) ) ) But I also want stuff other then shooters and thats mostly what I can come up with so far. Somebody help me, I'm waiting at least a year 'till i get one of them, so it might change, but until them i'm not sure which one I should get.