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Risk of Rain Characters, From a Guy Who Doesn't Know Anything About What Makes a Character Good.

Risk of Rain is pretty fun. Its sequel is way better, but the 1st one has always been one of my favorites to come back to. I have beaten the game, so don't worry about being legit and all that jazz. While playing the game I have unlocked some characters that I have decided to rank on a scale. Note: I have unlocked most of the characters in this game, except the huntress, the chief, and the mercenary so they won't be on this list. Also, the miner won't be on this list because I didn't like playing as him. This is basically worst to best. But if you disagree with my opinions, that's fine. Because this list is just personal preference, so make your own post on which characters are the best.

The Enforcer.

The Enforcer, or as I'm going to call him the police guy, is a slow but bulky build. He has a main shotgun and has some neat abilities. But the main problem with him is how slow he is. He has no mobility whatsoever. With other characters, they at least have some speed and a good enough jump to make them useful. With police guy, it's much more infuriating due to how crappy his jump is and how slow his entire body is. His abilities are good. The best one would indefinitely be crowd control, read the name on why. And the worst ability being shield slam, because I never used it. Mobility synergies are the thing that goes best with him because then he can actually move. Same thing with jumping synergies, but that falls into mobility.


Eh, he's fine. You can do better with many melee characters, such as The Aphid and The Loader, but he's fine for first-time melee characters. He will most likely be a new player's first melee character, which is also why he's just ok. And I'm fine with that. He has some nice abilities, his mobility makes sense considering he's a melee character, and he also is just overall pretty cool.

The Engineer

I barely played as The Engineer, he involves a lot of tactics. And I'm not good at using tactics. So not knowing how to use him, was a little tricky in the beginning, but then I understood how to play as him. His abilities are good, and I like his attack which is just firing balls, which kind of works for crowd control and playing the game smart. But I'm not good at that stuff, so he's near the bottom.

The Sniper

This is when the list where everyone is equal, but I just ranked The Sniper pretty low at the top of the best on this list. Did that make sense? It probably didn't. But whatever. The Sniper is pretty mobile, does a crap ton of damage, and has some of the best abilities in the game. But his reload. Oh god, his reload. It's so useless and is only there to make him less strong. I despise it. That's why I'm ranking him so low. His reverse dodge adds a crap ton of movement to him, and his gun is pretty strong. But be warned, the reload ruins him.

The Aphid.

I didn't want to put the Aphid below the Loader. But it's just a fact. The Aphid is worse than the Loader. And that's ok. The Aphid has range and melee making him the all-around guy. Except for the fact he can't do ranged attacks. He only has ranged abilities, and his overall get up is kind of strange considering everyone else is a human or a robot. The Aphid also is just kind of nerfed in his mobility. It's not like as crappy as police guy, but it's still annoying. But he does major damage to people, and his attack is really good. Other than that Loader is better.

The Bandit.

The Bandit is indefinitely the best-ranged character on this list. Except for one other guy. he has good mobility, has a good range, and has good abilities. The main problem with him is that his smoke puff thing isn't that good. It kind of sours the deal for him being the best character. It just kind of happens, you run fast you are invisible for a bit, then it ends. Also, his gun is really strange. I don't know why but I just don't like it as much as the others.

The Loader.

The Loader is overall the best melee character and one of the best characters in the game period. His abilities are godlike for strategizing and for dealing with raw damage. He also can get invincible and beat the crap out of everyone. He would be the best character in the game but is trumped by...

The Commando

This guy is like Isaac from The Binding of Isaac. This guy has even everything. He has normal stats, and his abilities are actually useful. Such as the dive move, where you can use it to dodge incoming attacks. Or the many other moves this man has. He is also the first character you get so that makes it even better.