skm_neon / Member

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Gamespot community = mindless bots?

So I voted on a poll today that asked if you would consider purchasing the new 40GB Playstation 3 model. After reading the results of the poll, I had the ever-rare feeling of being shocked at the results, yet fully expecting it at the same time. With options such as "Maybe...depends how good Haze and Uncharted are" (which could, and should, be paraphrased to 'depends on how good their holiday releases are'),the option that got the most votes by quite a margin is "Never! You couldn't pay me! Wii60 4 Life!" (10% higher than that of 'Still too rich for my blood', the second highest result).

Wow. Brand loyalty at its finest!

Now I have nothing against partiality. In fact, I'm a little partial myself (Go Nintendo :D). However, this seems to go beyond the realm of loyalty based on game preferences. After all, they had a viable option for such people. Wouldn't you want to purchase a system that has quality games? Wouldn't you at least consider a future purchase depending on the quality of future releases? Considering the results of this poll, I would probably get the answers no, and no.

So are you, the Gamespot community, really that mindless? Perhaps Gamespot didn't provide enough options for you to choose a more accurate and quality answer? Did the poor choices of words confuse you? Am I simply evaluating this too much?

Regardless, the poll brought up some interesting questions, which got me thinking about this community as a whole. Take this however you want, but I really don't have a problem with any of the systems right now, as they all have their fair share of good games coming. It's good to be loyal, but to what extreme?