For me, it was always the wait for the next FF game. Wondering what it's about, how it plays, the story, etc. BUT, I never went online and read up as much about it as I could've. I always approached the game,s hardly knowing anything about them, so I could just get submerged in them and become my normal FF hermit-self!!...
Seeing as I'm 127 hours into FFXII, I'm looking forward to it!! When I heard of the new battle system of FFXII, I was very sceptic. I loved my turn based FF!! But, I gave it a go, and totally love the game. I keep having moments where I think, there's no way I'm gonna be able to capture all the marks and hunt trophies!! So, yes!! I'm looking forward to it!!...
I've never finished PE 1 or 2!! Got to the last boss in both though!! I also heard that Madonna had bought the rights to PE, and planned on making it into a movie! I hope not, not her anyway!! I heard this about 4-5 years ago, but haven't heard anything since then...
Cool thread!! AS above - The werewolves in FFXII ( so easy when you go back at level 81!!) The Marlboro in FFVII (Did anyone else get wary when they approached a marlboro in later games and they were so little and easy?!) The Hellhounds in Golmore Jungle (as effkay said, I too saw the glowing light!) Ruby Weapon FFVII (Still haven't beat him!!) BUT, I remember beating Seph in FFVII in about ten mins, without realising that I didn't have a strategy!! I must've just got lucky with my actions!!...
I played CC before CT. I loved CC, but I remember getting about halfway through it and my memory card nuked itself, so I had to start again, but then knew quests, items, etc to do. I played CT on a SNES emu on the pc and sat there for many hours with an aching back, wide eyes from all the coffee and lack of sleep!! I've just converted it to PSP, so I can now play it while watching tv!! haha!!
Hey everyone!! I'm skonk. New to this union stuff, but not new to the world of Square/Enix. Started off with the old point & click adventures about 17 years ago and just progressed to here. Final fantasy is one of those subjects that can go on for ever, and I hope it does!!...
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