@faizanhd yeah, i agree...these games really put stealth into the word. I remember just sweating it out to put out one of those firelights without the sirens whaling......FUN...
@miser_cz i wanted to like dishonored but the AI is just to whimsical. NO fun...you basically run circles around the guys and kill them 3 or 4 times..lol
This is really Kracken.....lol Im looking forwrd to this. RTCW....was go friggen awesome..it set standards with the PC genre of gaming. ..................If anyone hasnt played it......do that first ..
That is sad to hear. But I figured it would come soon. To many MMO's out there. I played RIFT for about 3 months...and like WOW....I got super bored. I havent had the suspense and exciting feeling since the origninal EQ. I thought RIFT would be it....but randomness quests and same ole story line...blah. These games lack innovation....they dont think outside the box. MOst games are psychological ridden,,,if developers can toy with the effect of how games will take a hold of one without overkill ....then you come back for more. Its like the bait n snatch .....but not reel in. I heard Trion bought rights to Archage..?? Im interested in that.. will see..
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