by skullflower on Comments
Well, I've been having an absolute blast recently playing the download-only title: Battlefield: 1943. I've put in about 15 hours so far, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. There's only 3 maps, and the only game type is capture the flag. But the game is so much fun to play, it just has that "one more go" type feel to it. I've been using all three classes (mainly Rifleman and Scout) and I change during the game depending on the situation and how the game is going. It's really, really satisfying planting your TNT on an already capped point while you're playing as the Scout, and blowing up tanks who are silly enough to park on YOUR point! I've found the sniping to be easier over the other online FPS I've played a hellavalot of; Call of Duty 4. The planes take some getting used to. I switched the controls to Southpaw, and after that found the planes much easier to get to grips with. I've taken out a tank with my bombs, but they're still very hard to kill anyone with. You've almost got to hit someone on the head to take them out! The blast radius needs to be abit more powerful I feel, but apart from that the game is very well balanced overall. This game has also sparked my interest in the Pacific campaign of WW2. Being from Britain myself, I know quite abit about the war in Europe, but know very little about the battles which took place in the Pacific. It makes for interesting reading.