Bayonetta - first few hours
by skullflower on Comments
This game is good, very good! I've noticed abit of slow-down, especially when entering a new area (I'm playing the 360 version by the way). Also when things get quite crowded it'll slow-down, but nothing major. The game definitely reminds me more of DMC rather than Ninja Gaiden. How you use and buy items, breaking objects and the general feel of the game is very Devil May Cry. I've not long got a sword though, which makes it feel similar to Ninja Gaiden in that respect - charging the sword up and unleashing hell, etc. Even though I've only been playing it for a few hours, I still prefer the combat mechanics in Ninja Gaiden. I can't see that changing any time soon really. But damn, the combat in Bayonetta is SATISFYING! Great little touches are sprinkled all over the place. I've died a number of times, a few times thanks to missing a quick-time event. :evil: I think like Devil May Cry, what the game really wants you to do, is to get to know each chapter so well you don't have to use any healing items and can blitz it without hardly getting hit, all within a quick time. In Ninja Gaiden, I try not to use any health packs and rely on health dropped from enemies or in breakable objects - but health seems to be rarely dropped in Bayonetta. Bayonetta is a pure assault on the senses. The combat is sooooo satisfying. Most of my rings/halos have gone on buying moves/techniques. Bought some superb looking moves so far, which I won't go in to here. The game gives you plenty of ways to dispatch the enemy, without feeling like you've got too many moves that your head is spinning.