Neighbourhood, Watched!
by skullflower on Comments
Well, I have just finished Half-Life 2: Episode 2, for the third time now. I re-bought the Orange Box for the PC about 2 weeks ago, after owning it for well over a year on the 360, and went through HL2 and both the Episodes back-to-back. But, it's Episode 2 which really does blow me away the most. I never get tired of that game. I managed to get the "Neighbourhood Watch" achievement during my run aswell. If anybody has tried to do that achievement, they'll know how hard it can be. I also got it on the 360 version, but thanks to the mouse/keyboard setup, it seemed easier on the PC. You've just got to watch out for the low fast moving Striders - they're the ones which destroy the buildings instantly. Once you know where they're coming from, it should be fine. Alot of quick saving and 4-5 reloads later, and I did it! But yeah, hurry up Valve and bring out Episode 3 already!