Graphics look nice.......woo hoo >.> I like the halo series but you really cant judge a game by it's graphics.Yes, that phrase is way overused but these posts I'm seeing are the reason it is so clichéd.Graphics are a given since its being released on a better system .Halo and Halo 2 were released on xbox....I know it's hard to remember but the last halo game was also released 3 years ago so why is everyone so friggin impressed?From what I've seen, the gameplay is almost identical so other than graphics (which don't mean squat if the gameplay blows), what has bungie accomplished?Gameplay could really use some improvements IMO....Example: Bunny hopping 6 feet in the air is ridiculous and getting killed while doing it looks even worse since your character decides to flail and fall as if he/she were pushed off of a 10 story building.I know this is one of those instant gratification arcade shooters but I would've really liked to have seen some kind of improvement to make physics a little more realistic at the very least and at best make the game a little more, you know...tactical or something (not full on tactical team work stuff but just some elements that require people to have a little more skill or think before doing something) instead of a run and gun/spam the nade button kind of game
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