@Jarrkha: Remedy's size has massively increased, and they are doubling down on Northlight as a way to decrease their development time. Seems to be working, given all they are doing.
Make no mistake though, this is happening because of the character's presence in Alan Wake 2.
@Vodoo: Dead to Rights was amazing. Unless you played it on the XBOX. Not sure why, but the normal difficulty on XBOX is harder than the Hard mode on PS2/GC. One of the few times a multiplat was better-off on something other than the Original XBOX.
I hope everyone understands this is happening because Remedy is putting Alex Casey *cough* max payne *cough* in Alan Wake 2. I've said we'd see a remaster announced soon, and I honestly would not be surprised if Remedy manages to buy Max Payne back from R* after this as well.
I am a MASSIVE Ghostbusters fan. ( I even like 2016 [mostly] sue me )This though, holy god what is this garbage...? We had a perfect template for a great Ghostbusters game in 2009, and all they had to do was build on that and add 4-player campaign co-op...
But no... it's illfonic... so they are going to churn out the same Arena focused game-play on like 15 minute rinse/repeat loops that they always do, and no one wants (as in 'instead' of a real game).
I just don't understand HOW people are still playing this game. This is not a dig, this is a genuine statement. HOW TF DO YOU PLAY GTA ONLINE?
It doesn't have missions you go do, so where tf are you supposed to go to move things along? All I find are gas stations to rob, and empty racing lobbies, and douchebags who kill you when you walk around.
Like, literally where TF is the actual game, in this game?
The one thing I thought was a mission wouldn't let me even start it until a group was filled out, but nothing filled out because it was like the empty racing lobbies. Why do I need a group at all?
This game makes 0 sense, and it has no means of communicating it's rules and paths to the player. And everytime I ask this question all I get is "You can buy yachts and shit". ... K? Who cares? Where are the actual missions and things to do? They certainly have trailers full of them.
Yeah, I'm ranting, but my inability to grasp w/e tf is going on in this game really grinds my gears. lol
SkyHighGam3r's comments