We all know about Xbox Live's Microsoft Point system. A buyer would use their credit card and put Microsoft Points on their Xbox Live account allowing them to buy stuff on the Xbox Marketplace. First off it is annoying how Microsoft does not allow you to put simple money values on your account, instead we are forced to conver are dollars intostrange amounts of Microsoft Points, which are quite inconvenient. The biggest problem with this strange currency is that almost everything has a price value. Who would ever think that Darth Vader himself would ever have to paid for? I had to pay 400 Microsoft Points to download him for Soul Calibur IV; this is of course strange knowing that on the PS3 Network Yoda is free. The only reason I "paid" for Darth Vader was for two reasons: one Darth Vader is a bad ass and two I had Microsoft Points left over from downloading the Knothole Island pack for Fable 2. Downloading that makes sense because the makers of the game took time and money to make more content for the game; paying for map packs and expansion packs makes complete sense. It does not make sense when Microsoft puts a value of 50 or so Microsoft Points on themes and pictures for your account. Why would anyone ever pay for that with money, why? I do enjoy the Xbox Marketplace but it just has to many oddities and strangevalues on strange things. Again why anyone would put a price tag on Darth Vader I do not know, I did already pay $50 dollars for the game.
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