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pokemon diamond update! SPOILERS!

ok, ive had more time with pokemon diamond and heres the rundown of things that ive done and observations ive noted.

made it to oreburgh city and found rourk and sent him back to his gym.

with a friends help, got a chimcharr sent to my game.

caught an abra and machop.

sent rourk back to the mines with my piplup and chimcharr (both of which have evolved at this point)

went to flouroma and saved the valley windworks by kicking the team galactic commanders kester.

found berries and received watering can.

moved on battling continously eventually evolving my abra to kadabra.

found myself in eterna city, got the exp share and the explorer kit and fullfilled all the missions except capturing the flag of an opponet. (will do that tonight)

moved on fighting along the way.......

ended up in..... some town... the name escapes me at the moment......

beat the gym leader which enabled me to use cut.

used cut to enter galactic building and saved several kidnapped pokemon.

recieved a bike from the owner of the bike shop. 

went down cycling road.

met up with proffesor rowans assistant who gave me two poketch apps. (dowsing machine, vs seeker)

went to hearthome city, received poffin case and made a few poffins.

thats all.

its a brief summary but it gives you an idea of all thats available to do. this is truly the best pokemon title yet and well worth looking into.

my current team

pen-pen (prinplup) lvl 25

chuck n. (machop) lvl 25

ifrit (monferno) lvl 25

psycho (kadabra) lvl 25

note that this is my battling team... not including my hm slaves.

other notes:

played online with another friend. it was pretty easy and painless to do, swapped friend codes, logged on and we battled a free battle.using the ds headse, the voice chat was very clear and easy to us. there was little to no breakup and while using the mic its easier to understand what people are saying a good deal easier than with the ds internal mic. the ds headset tends to pickup ambient noise like tvs and such so its a good idea to play in a quiet or quieter environ. even if you do play in a noisy environment, your voice is usually easily understandable no matter whats in the background.


and thats all for this update.

keep on playin!


pokemon diamond! first play!

after getting really really lucky and finding a store nearby that borke street date... ive finally gotten my hands on pokemon diamond!

ill detail a few changes and noticeables that i could see from the new game.....



1) graphics. 

the world has taken a psuedo 3d look now but its still pretty close to the other pokemon games.

2.) interface

the touch screen controls are only used in battles, manipulating the poketch and some of the other minor features as far as i can see. ive kept my stylus holstered so far unless actively called for. the battle controls are done pretty well this time. its easy to select whatever you want at a moments notice, however, unlike other pokemon games the screen in battle doesnt describe what your moves do and i find that a little unnerving......       menus are pretty easy to use and luckily they put the menu button on x so yo dont have to reach down and push start or select. 

 3.) pokemon!

i started with piplup because i love penguins and the first gym is rock so he pwned easily, as far as the pokemon... i saw the standard "crappy pokemon youll never catch" along the way. mostly a bird named starly and a....... something..... called a bidoof which looked and sounded pretty dumb but seems to have high defense. i caught a shinx because i need a good electric pokemon but its physical attack seems low and he doesnt know any electric attacks yet..... if i run across a pikachu ill prolly grab one instead.  

 4.) music

the music seems to have been upgraded and it shows, with some more melodic beats and just overall better tone... but there is a few too many recycled songs and sounds.

5.) overall

the game is alot like its older ancestors but the formula worked there, the formula works here, and im enjoying my time with it so far. if youre  a pokemon fan.... buy this one without hesitation.

bubsy - a chronicle of crap.

The year: 1993.

The goal: copy the success of sonic and mario.

The game industry had been utterly and completely ruled by nintendo with mario being their main man, so when a newcomer named sonic appeared on the scene and stole mario's clout, companies took notice. Why was sonic so successfull? Sega was able to portray mario as the slow old guy while sonic was the fast guy with attitude. Seeing the previously unstoppable nintendo falter in the face of sonic brought hope to other companies who thought to themselves"if we make a character who has attitude and appeals to younger kids, then maybe we can get rich too!" This line of thinking made several characters from the good, like sparkster and earthworm jim, to the bad, like puggsy and aero the acrobat. It also gave us the character in this feature story........ bubsy.

For those of you who missed bubsy.... consider yourself lucky. Basically, he was a bobcat with a white shirt that had an exclamation point on it for no good reason whatsoever. Bubsy was "filled with tude!" according to the developers, but I mean they made him, they cant be trusted with the actual amount of whatever tude is in bubsy, if you made a video game i'm sure you'd be a little biased in your opinion of your game and im not quite sure they realize tude is one letter away from turd. Bubsy was voiced by a "comedian", I say that in quotes because the voice technology was so bad you might as well had been listening to vacuum cleaner sucking up an angry cat, tail first and also because the guy who did voice bubsy played tier four characters in cartoons and such. Later in the other games the voice technology was fixed but the phrases which were spewed at you a dozen a minute would still be grounds for ripping your eardrum with an ice pick. mario was an exploring plumber, sonic had speed, heck sparkster was a possum... with a jetpack.... with a sword..... THAT SHOOTS ENERGY...... so what did bubsy have to make him different from the pack? he could glide ..... fantastic......... a bobcat that can glide. thats right.... it seems bobcats can glide.... well at least accolade thinks so... look for their next game mascot featuring turtles that shoot laser beams and lobsters that can spit fire! ok, so bubsy is a "tude filled" bobcat who wears a white sweater with an exclamation point on it for no real reason and can also glide while spewing hip catchphrases at you in an increasing amount depending on what you do. So now that you have an idea of how annoying bubsy is, i'd say you're pretty primed to learn more about bubsy. next time we'll dissect his games and see what makes this fourth rate mascot soooo craptastic.

crushing disapointment.......

i am 100% and completely bummed out. i always try to stay up on the hottest and latest gaming news, but i fear game developers have truly lost sight of whats really important. how so you may ask? simple.


rand theft auto 4 

as many of you know  the trailer for grand theft auto 4 was just released, people kept yapping in my ear to go watch it but ever since the fable and black and white debacle i decided against it. my curiousity got the better of me and i did watch it. in retrospect, the most useless, pointless, garbage trailer ive ever seen. watching the trailer you realize the ONE SINGLE THING they want you to notice.......

ZOMG!!1!!1 SHINEY!!!!1!!1!!1

and thats the problem. remeber the trailers for rockstars other games? watching the chaqracters ride in helicopters in vice city, flying jets in san andreas, demonstration of the mischeif you could acheive in bully. all of the trailers showed something new, exciting, fun to look forward to.

not so in gta 4's trailer. just graphics and a very tiny smidgen of the character.

this isnt the only game to fall into the graphics first department.


ratchet and clank - tools of destruction

being a ratchet fan from DAY ONE i have been awaiting the trailer for the newest one with majorly bated breath. unfortunately, the new trailer was disappointing. what would they announce? newer, sharper, ai for enemies? better upgrade system? new abilities?! i could hardly wait..... but what was the features given to us by captain quark? "so you can see me in eye poppin hd!"


thats it captain douche?! all of a sudden clank comes up and brings out the footage for hte game. my mind raced "here we go! show me something new!" little did i know, less than tw ominutes later id end up looking at the insomniac signia wishing they were dead. there was a few slightly new enemies, though most of the enviroments looked like holdovers from the older games they did look a bit sharpish...... but that was. ok fine, they pulled a rayman and had their enemies dancing to one of the new weapons exclusive to the game.


very innovative guys.

im beyond my patience limits.  nintendo said this crap was gonna happen, they said they would put and push graphics before everything else and so far theyve been right. as of right now, im 100% disenchanted with the ratchet series and insomniac. the guys who reinvented the platformer, gave it an attitude, made it fun and interesting and most importantly, innovative....... all they seem to care about now is graphics. remember deadlocked?! when they showed that off they told us about the combots, the online play YOU GET THE IDEA!

now its just ZOMG ITS IN HD1!!1!!1111!!

remember gamers, a turd in hd is still a turd... just a shinier one... as evidenced by genji, untold legends, and over g fighters.  



200 views?! level 12?! i should celebrate..... masterpiece feature time!!!!!

so what game could be so freaking awesome to commemorate two different landmarks?

                                                                                 o-freaking-kami.... sheer awesomeness

none other than the awesomeness of okami of course.

so what makes the awesomeness of okami absolute? lets get cracking!!

1. dramatic artwork!

the artwork in this game makes next gen look hollow and dull by comparison. the game is brought to life in pure awesomeness that cannot be denied and even the most hardcore against stylish graphics such as these cannot deny theres something beautifull and magical about these graphic types..... well they could.. but theyd look like the idiots that they are..... and their gaming profile probably only includes need for speed games and halo 2.

2. excellent feel!

attacking, defending, moving,heck, just looking around feels right in this game, if there was any problems in the controls its in the paint mechanics, while most of them time it does exactly what you want sometimes it just doent work right but in the whole scheme of things, it is but the drop in the ocean that is awesomeness that pours from this game.

 3. battle mechanics!

enemies themselves are not hard to defeat usually, but if you want proper rewards youve got to earn them. floral finishers in which you use a certain power on an enemy in the throes of death rewards you with demon fangs allowing you to obtain items that will help you on your journey. some enemies have different quarks some even taking advantage of the canvas you pull up to make their own spells and such which leads me to number 4.....

4. celestial brush!

being the sun god, okami is given the ability to draew out her spells on a canvas that can be pulled up pretty much anytime during gameplay. need some wind to put out that treasure chest thats curiously on fire? draw a loop to call the wind! need to bomb a wall? draw a circle with a line through it to make a bomb! as i said earlier at least one of the enemies can draw on your canvas so if you need to draw a spell during a fight with it make sure you do it quick so it doesnt get the chance to use your own canvas against you.

5. personality!

by personality im including storyline. even though its steeped in japanese mythology its told in such a way it can be just as easy for an american gamer to get into it as a japanese gamer... in fact this game sold better in america than japan by at least a million copies. the story is awesome and the characters all have a personality that makes them more than guy a and girl b. issun, your fairy thing, talks in a mannerism more akin to modern day speak reffering to boobs as melons and flirting in ways that makes the females go "what does that mean?". okami herself has her own behavoir, such as taking a quick lie down while a boss sputters out how much theyre going to annihilate okami...... then fly into a rage when they realize she doesnt even care what they say, okami even goes as far as staring at some of the more "well endowed" female characters with a look of surprise and wonder.


these five items of interest have come together to make a game thats completely unforgettable and completely unskippable..... ok you can skip playing this game.... but you wont ever know the full extent of the word awesome untill you actually do play this game.

untill next time gamers!!! keep on playin!!!!!


ps3.........UNDER ATTACK!!!!

anyone who knows me in real life knows i have very little love for the ps3. the problems thats been popping up and sony's better than thou attitude really gets my dander up as well. aside from blantantly ignoring the consumer they at some points blantantly take our faces and rub our noses in their particular pile of crap. the europeans are the newest ones to recieve the "bad puppy" treatment. they claim their delay is ver beneficial.... and theyre right... it is.... BUT ONLY TO THEM! 

the three month delay has allowed them to rip out the emotion engine, raise the price tag, and take a huge metaphorical dump allllllll over the europeans faces.


europe gets all the games usually after everyone else, pay much more for them, or never even get some games at all. why do they need to be screwed over in the system department as well?


with a recent article about SONY, announcing the exclusivity of final fantasy 13 being up in the air, one can wonder how they are going to get along. of course, no onegame can destroy a console, but look at this list of games that are jumping off the exclusivity list.

ace combat

devil may cry 4

tekken 6

virtua fighter 5

beautifull katamari

theres rumors of metal gear solid 4 coming to the 360 as well and if that and ff 13 lose exclusivity...... well.... it could be over for the ps3.... before it even starts.

why is the ps3 losing all these titles?

1. difficult and expesnsive to develop for

2. too expensive for mainstream gamers 

3. lack of needed power.

now wait a minute you say.... the ps3 is the most powerfull! yes it is. its cpu can handle many lines of instructions at once...... however..... the blu ray disc access speed is so low sometimes it can lead to crashing. with oblivion bethesda planted copies of various files all over the disc so that it can get to at least ONE ofthe copies of files in time before the game simply crashes. also, isnt it odd that resistance: fall of man is ONLY available in 720 tops? according to the developers it simply could not keep an acceptable framerate at 1080. 

sony took the atari jaguar way out. sure the atari jaguar WAS 64 bits.... but in order to get those 64 bits they used techniques that artificially brought it up to 64 bits. exactly whats happened here. sony has increased its cpu beyond major proportions but their blu ray technology is not up to snuff.


sony, you have to do something and soon or you wont last more than three years.

keep on playin gamers.... but be wary of sonys new its still very much in turmoil. 

most evil villains in games!

today we look upon the worst villains in video game history. the evilest of the evil, the meanest of the mean, the most evil villains in games.
time to lay the battlelines!

1. they mustve been a villain in a game. (duh)
2. it doesnt matter if they succeeded everytime, just of what they have accomplished.
battlelines drawn, its time to get down to it!

orochi from okami (ps2)
(no pic available)
plunging the world into darkness, destroying a goddess and sacrificing children all are good qualities of a villian and orochi displays them all proudly like the ugly dragon/lizard/thingie thing he is. even if he had been defeated by amaterasu's hands.... errr paws he at one time did defeat her, edging him up further on the list.

saddler from re4!
kidnapping the daughter of the president isnt really evil....... ill give you that.... but unleashing a plague of mind controlling creatures into society, killing innocents like they were fleas, and owning a massive army of minions while engaging in morally reprehensible experiments does an evil villain make. not one to be trusted or underestimated.

the picture says it all
yeah, hes evil. how so? well, unleashing a nuclear attack upon your own homeland is pretty good for starters, but being a hardbitten torturer doesnt hurt matters either. using illegal money to fund a contraption only built for the sole purpose of launching nuclear weapons and his tenacity of never leaving well enough alone is what puts him on this list.

robotnik from the sonic series!
i know what youre thinking. "this guy loses everytime!" sure he loses everytime, but he usually ends up being beaten after he's done mucho damage. in most every game he enslaves the planets populace and forces them to build his city on top of their old city while destroying the enviroment. pulling off multiple military coups, destroying the enviroment, slavery,...... you get the idea. hes a really bad man.

so who could be even more evil? theres only one..... find out now!

kefka! final fantasy 2 on snes and 6 on gba and ps1!

kefka is one evil person. remorseless, uncaring, just plain evil.


kefka as evil as he is poisons a kingdom, enslaves an ancient race for his own purpose, rips the world asunder, builds a tower where he can kill anyone who THINKS ill of him and even when confronted with the power of good in all its glory maintains his utter insanity the whole time. congratulations kefka.... youre a really bad man and youre the most evil villain ever.

to all the fellow gamers.... dont let these guys get away with their evil plans! pick up their respective games and whoop their evil butts! till the next time gamers..... keep on playin!

100 post landmark! this calls for a good game.........

so what game am i sending up today? well i had to pick one that wasn't really picked up very well because it just didnt tickle peoples tastes right from the cover.


so why was this game overlooked? well.... you do play as a slime...... i dunno, its a secret to everyone! as they say.......
so what do you do in this game? well mainly you stretch yourself and hit things with yourself. yeah, thats a good bit of it..... so why is it fun? because this game appeals to the packrat in everyone! as you move about in the stages you can balance things on your slimy head and send them packing to your town to be used later...... "in what way?" you might ask...... AS AMMO! "ammo for what?" you might also ask? for your tank! yes, you get a GINORMOUS tank in your adventure and must defeat the enemy tanks with your own.
but, you dont control the tank directly. you walk and move about in the tank, icking up ammo, tossing it into your canons to pound the other tank into submission. this is where all your packrattery comes back to help you, use your ammo strategically as colliding ammo usually cancel each other out (not always the case with some ammo). sounds boring? IT'S NOT! you can even fire yourself over into their tank to destroy some of the other enemies reloaders (blinking panels on the wall must be destroyed) so they cannot fire as effectively and even sabotage the front door of their tank so that you can waltz right back in later.....
but why would you want to return? because once you drop their hp to nothing their engine room is laid bare! "so you destroy it huh?" WHOSE REVIEW IS THIS! just give me a minute and ill get to it! yes.... go in their engine room, bash the crap out of their engine and watch as it goes up in flames!

without the tank battles this game would subpar, but with the tank element added in which you can customize almost everything about it it raises this game to higher.... ummmm... heights! part of the fun for this game for me was simply the packrattery in which you engage in.... especially since in real life packrattery doesnt usually pay off.....
this feature was brought to you by the word packrattery. packrattery: collecting tons of junk in the hopes it may be usefull one day!
great job on this game square-enix and check it out gamers... untill next time... keep on playin!

STOPIT! article for the saving of those that need saving.

sony's rising heat.
sony is in trouble. no not financially. financially theyre doing wonderfull with their commercial tvs and the like. their game division however is in true and significant trouble. everything in the news as of late corresponding to sony has been bad news. from the ripping of the emotion engine from europe ps3s to phill harrison doing damage control interviews and even rumors turning out to be true. what rumors you say? well, when the ps3 first showed up on the e3 floor people were upset at the lack of rumble. sony claimed it would interfere with their new motion sensor and denied it had anything to do with immersion techs lawsuit leveled right at sony's head. now it turns out it was the lawsuit after all. in a recent interview one of sony's head peoples spoke saying "i've used the rumble and honestly, i don't miss it and it's not something we are worried about losing." oh really? is that why you're looking into putting it back into controllers with immersion's permission? if they do indeed put it back in it will only lead to more negative press as people who bought the ps3 controller originally will have to upgrade for rumble. sony better stop the bleeding soon or they won't be able to ever recover.
the ps3 isnt the only problem sony has, the psp is doing very poorly at this point. there are now more active dses in operation than there are 360's. the psp itself is being outsold FIVE TO ONE! why is this the case?! how can the largely inferior BY FAR ds wallop the super portable so bad? price point namely.

when people defend the psp the only thing they can usually say is that it play movies and music. so does a video ipod! AND it doesnt use umds which are being phased out slowly but surely! movie studios are even cutting back on psp umd production ten fold.
so lets do the math,

video ipod 30 gig - 249.99$ (price from apples website.)
psp and enough 4 gig sticks to equal 32 gigs. 838$
(4 gig stick prices taken from, i did not include shipping and handling charges.)

bad news..... for the price of a psp and the sticks required to equal a little over a 30 gig video ipod you could buy......
totals will be in ( )

a video ipod 249.99
a ds lite 129.99 (379.98 )
a skin for ds lite 14.99 (394.97)
two games for the ds at 34 a piece (462.97)
might as well throw in a wii 249.99 (712.96)
ya know what? throw in a wii game too at 49.99 (762.95)

so for the price of a psp and enough sticks to equal a video ipod 30 gig you can buy a portable system, 2 games for it, a console, a game for the console, a skin to trick out your portable, and more than enough money to order some pizzas on the way home.
ive always known the ds lite had the upper hand even when faced with superior odds, if youll remember the original gameboy went against the atari lynx.... which was color..... AND BACKLIT! the guys behind the atari lynx were laughing at the gameboy at a convention... they never wouldve guessed a year later they wouldnt have anything to laugh about.

sony, come close..... you've done great with the ps1 and 2. you kicked MAJOR kester and you didnt let up from one generation to the next. most importantly, you gave us what we wanted, a cheap, functionable system with oodles and oodles of great games, being somewhat of a nintendo fan guy myself i cant say anything ill of the ps2 as it still sits upon my shelf proudly next to the wii with ff12 spinning away in it. you need to go back to the good ole days and give us what we want, not what you think we want. nintendo did that with the 64 and cube and look where it got them! with the wii theyve learned their lesson.... i think its time you followed suit and regained your former glory. thats right, youre not on top with it and get yourself back up the hill before nintendo makes themselves comfortable up there with the 360.
till the next time, keep on playin gamers!

masterpiece feature again! for good reason......

so if youve been reading my posts at all you know i dont usually follow two of the same thing and i do things unpredictable.....usually..... however something happened today that ive been waiting for a long time.....

thats right... ocarina of time has come to the virtual console and i couldnt be happier. truth is i didnt get into the zelda franchise really good and deep untill this 64 game. in fact i never beat the 64 version because i goofed up in the water temple and made it actually impossible to beat the temple so i had to start all over. i later did restart but got as far as the desert temple. i now plan to remedy that sin by beating this game within the week.
a huge undertaking.... how so? because this game was huge with a ton of crap to do and tight controls it was a very nicely built game and it holds up through the test of time. i used rf cables on my 64 so it actually looks better on my wii since i use av cables on it but i plan to upgrade to s-video cables soon. either way, this game is still as addictive as ever and as awesome as ever. i would make a recomendation that if you play it and you have the new controller i would use it as it provides tighter controls than the cube's big button scheme. either way, if you have a wii and 1000 points download it immediately or youll hate yourself forever.... or untill you download it. enjoy it gamers and keep on playin!
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