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100 post landmark! this calls for a good game.........

so what game am i sending up today? well i had to pick one that wasn't really picked up very well because it just didnt tickle peoples tastes right from the cover.


so why was this game overlooked? well.... you do play as a slime...... i dunno, its a secret to everyone! as they say.......
so what do you do in this game? well mainly you stretch yourself and hit things with yourself. yeah, thats a good bit of it..... so why is it fun? because this game appeals to the packrat in everyone! as you move about in the stages you can balance things on your slimy head and send them packing to your town to be used later...... "in what way?" you might ask...... AS AMMO! "ammo for what?" you might also ask? for your tank! yes, you get a GINORMOUS tank in your adventure and must defeat the enemy tanks with your own.
but, you dont control the tank directly. you walk and move about in the tank, icking up ammo, tossing it into your canons to pound the other tank into submission. this is where all your packrattery comes back to help you, use your ammo strategically as colliding ammo usually cancel each other out (not always the case with some ammo). sounds boring? IT'S NOT! you can even fire yourself over into their tank to destroy some of the other enemies reloaders (blinking panels on the wall must be destroyed) so they cannot fire as effectively and even sabotage the front door of their tank so that you can waltz right back in later.....
but why would you want to return? because once you drop their hp to nothing their engine room is laid bare! "so you destroy it huh?" WHOSE REVIEW IS THIS! just give me a minute and ill get to it! yes.... go in their engine room, bash the crap out of their engine and watch as it goes up in flames!

without the tank battles this game would subpar, but with the tank element added in which you can customize almost everything about it it raises this game to higher.... ummmm... heights! part of the fun for this game for me was simply the packrattery in which you engage in.... especially since in real life packrattery doesnt usually pay off.....
this feature was brought to you by the word packrattery. packrattery: collecting tons of junk in the hopes it may be usefull one day!
great job on this game square-enix and check it out gamers... untill next time... keep on playin!