i am 100% and completely bummed out. i always try to stay up on the hottest and latest gaming news, but i fear game developers have truly lost sight of whats really important. how so you may ask? simple.
rand theft auto 4
as many of you know the trailer for grand theft auto 4 was just released, people kept yapping in my ear to go watch it but ever since the fable and black and white debacle i decided against it. my curiousity got the better of me and i did watch it. in retrospect, the most useless, pointless, garbage trailer ive ever seen. watching the trailer you realize the ONE SINGLE THING they want you to notice.......
ZOMG!!1!!1 SHINEY!!!!1!!1!!1
and thats the problem. remeber the trailers for rockstars other games? watching the chaqracters ride in helicopters in vice city, flying jets in san andreas, demonstration of the mischeif you could acheive in bully. all of the trailers showed something new, exciting, fun to look forward to.
not so in gta 4's trailer. just graphics and a very tiny smidgen of the character.
this isnt the only game to fall into the graphics first department.
ratchet and clank - tools of destruction
being a ratchet fan from DAY ONE i have been awaiting the trailer for the newest one with majorly bated breath. unfortunately, the new trailer was disappointing. what would they announce? newer, sharper, ai for enemies? better upgrade system? new abilities?! i could hardly wait..... but what was the features given to us by captain quark? "so you can see me in eye poppin hd!"
thats it captain douche?! all of a sudden clank comes up and brings out the footage for hte game. my mind raced "here we go! show me something new!" little did i know, less than tw ominutes later id end up looking at the insomniac signia wishing they were dead. there was a few slightly new enemies, though most of the enviroments looked like holdovers from the older games they did look a bit sharpish...... but that was. ok fine, they pulled a rayman and had their enemies dancing to one of the new weapons exclusive to the game.
very innovative guys.
im beyond my patience limits. nintendo said this crap was gonna happen, they said they would put and push graphics before everything else and so far theyve been right. as of right now, im 100% disenchanted with the ratchet series and insomniac. the guys who reinvented the platformer, gave it an attitude, made it fun and interesting and most importantly, innovative....... all they seem to care about now is graphics. remember deadlocked?! when they showed that off they told us about the combots, the online play YOU GET THE IDEA!
now its just ZOMG ITS IN HD1!!1!!1111!!
remember gamers, a turd in hd is still a turd... just a shinier one... as evidenced by genji, untold legends, and over g fighters.