ok, ive had more time with pokemon diamond and heres the rundown of things that ive done and observations ive noted.
made it to oreburgh city and found rourk and sent him back to his gym.
with a friends help, got a chimcharr sent to my game.
caught an abra and machop.
sent rourk back to the mines with my piplup and chimcharr (both of which have evolved at this point)
went to flouroma and saved the valley windworks by kicking the team galactic commanders kester.
found berries and received watering can.
moved on battling continously eventually evolving my abra to kadabra.
found myself in eterna city, got the exp share and the explorer kit and fullfilled all the missions except capturing the flag of an opponet. (will do that tonight)
moved on fighting along the way.......
ended up in..... some town... the name escapes me at the moment......
beat the gym leader which enabled me to use cut.
used cut to enter galactic building and saved several kidnapped pokemon.
recieved a bike from the owner of the bike shop.
went down cycling road.
met up with proffesor rowans assistant who gave me two poketch apps. (dowsing machine, vs seeker)
went to hearthome city, received poffin case and made a few poffins.
thats all.
its a brief summary but it gives you an idea of all thats available to do. this is truly the best pokemon title yet and well worth looking into.
my current team
pen-pen (prinplup) lvl 25
chuck n. (machop) lvl 25
ifrit (monferno) lvl 25
psycho (kadabra) lvl 25
note that this is my battling team... not including my hm slaves.
other notes:
played online with another friend. it was pretty easy and painless to do, swapped friend codes, logged on and we battled a free battle.using the ds headse, the voice chat was very clear and easy to us. there was little to no breakup and while using the mic its easier to understand what people are saying a good deal easier than with the ds internal mic. the ds headset tends to pickup ambient noise like tvs and such so its a good idea to play in a quiet or quieter environ. even if you do play in a noisy environment, your voice is usually easily understandable no matter whats in the background.
and thats all for this update.
keep on playin!