I just signed up here due to this thread. Most people on this forum are most likely teenagers, but I'm sure there's a few older folks. Anyways, I used to be a huge PC gamer for many many many years. I played Quake 1, Quake 2 (and all the mods - Chaos, Action, PBall, Jailbreak), Quake 3, UT, Star Wars JK:DF2, Blood 2, Delta Force 1 and 2 - all the classics. I will simply say this - PC gaming, today, is a joke. It is a continued joke. It absolutely sucks compared to what it used to be. In fact, I bet there's a few people on here who've never heard of these games, and probably weren't even alive when some came out. Back in the day, there was Zone.com, HEAT.net, MPlayer, TEN - all the good gaming network sites that you could play these games on. Now you have Steam, and that's pretty much it. There's some others, like GSA, but Steam seems to dominate. And I don't like Steam either. Everything today is too simplified for kids, or younger gamers. Gaming today is dominated by Call of Duty, Halo, Gears of War, and all these games flatout suck. Quake 1 or 2 would, and still do, destroy these games. Now, to Joe Schmoe who's never played either game, would look at it and say they suck because of graphics, or whatever. I remember back when Q2 came out in 97 I would stay up till 5 in the morning on full servers playing DM on Edge. I would say todays youth has killed PC gaming, and is ruining console games. When I played PC games back in the late 90's I was young, but we were a different crowd than todays "kids". We did ladders and tournaments on HEAT.net, we played games seriously. I remember I had a 56k modem and would search for Q2 servers on gamespy and it would take like 10 minutes to load up all the servers. I remember if you ran Q2 at 640x480 and got like 30 FPS you had a beastly PC. Nowadays, you can't join any game without a kid screaming, crying, calling people noobs, making mom jokes, and being stupid. Anyways, yeah - PC gaming sucks today. And it's not going to get any better. It's getting worse, and it IS dying, I can vouch for that. There's no good games out IMO, and the good ones that are out are dead or almost there. And yes, I've played COD, Halo, GoW. And yes, I own a 360 and a PC.
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