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List of 10 update and other stuff

Well its been about a month since I started my list of ten games I was hoping to complete within a two month time period and with the amount of hours I have been putting in at work lately needless to say I'm not sure if I'll complete all of these in two months. With that said here is what I have accomplished:

Drakengard 2, the second ending was awesome, way better than the first ending and well worth playing the game again for.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7, I can only thing of one word for this game, WOW! I'm still in shock and tears from playing this.

Rogue Galaxy, I'm still working on this one, I'm about 6 hours into it.

Final Fantasy 7, since I finished Crisis Core I have to dive right in to FF7 and playing this game brings back so many memories and reminds me why I play video games.

Final Fantasy 1, I'm not sure if many of you have played this game but is it just me or does it get harder the more you play it? Anyway I found a really cool "Easter egg" in the game that I read about in a review of it, In the Elfhiem village there is a grave site as you know if you play the NES version. In the NES version one of the tombstones read "Here lies Erdrick", they guy from Dragon Warrior. In the Playstation remake the same tombstone now reads "May Link rest in peace". I thought that was cool. And I still say that this remake has some of the best FMV on a PS one disk.

So that's where I am on the games. I actually have Wednesday off so I'm going to make up for some lost time

I have also added some new titles to my collection:

Monster Hunter Freedom for the PSP

Ghost Rider for the PSP

Spiderman 3 for the PS2

The Sonic Mega Collection for the Game Cube

Well that's it here. Hope all is well with you. Until next time. Later