I think I did on of these last year so I figured I do another. Anyway here is the Top 10 games that hold the most replay value to me,
10. Drakengard
9. The Matrix: The Path of Neo
8. GTA: Vice City
7. The Lord of the Ring: The 3rd Age
6. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
5. Valkyria Chronicles (I haven't finished it yet but I know its one I'll replay)
4. Fallout 3
3. Shadow of the Colossus
2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
1. Final Fantasy VII (For some reason I think about this game everyday)
OK now here's a list of the games I felt like I had to force myself to play through. Don't be mad, sorry.
10.The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
9. GTA: Vice City Stories
8. Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
7. Little Big Planet
6. Prototype
5. True Crime: Streets of LA
4. Legendary
3. X-Blades
2. Ghost Rider
1. GTA: Liberty City Stories
I'm sure there are others that fall under this but these are the ones I can think of now. Again Sorry its just my opinion but I'm sure most of you will agree with some of these.
Until next time......Later