tekken 3 (if not I'll just go buy vanilla T5 that had all the other tekkens in it), and ofcourse Street Fighter Alpha 3 (console not arcade ports cus console had a lot more game modes and good characters). So many others to name. Oh and Spiderman! I wish all ps1 classics were $3.50
slevin786's forum posts
bigger bazzoms would have sealed the deal.
and this is according to who? you...? well everyone is entitled to their opinion. But at least we agree with FPS games... :-)No offense but fighters are like my most hated game genre out there. Especially Marvel vs Capcon. lol But thank you.
It's good that your a first timer. Heres my advice. Hold on to $15, and get Marvel Vs Capcom 2 when it hits PSN. You pretty much won't need anyother fighter after that (if your a FG afficonado like myself)
made japanese account. winged the menu to find yakuza 3 demo. Downloaded it. It works, but I can only see the first cutscene. After that, it just stays stuck on the loading screen. Any ideas why this is happening?
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