Based on the review and the videos that I have seen so far, this seems to be one of the most boring games I have ever seen. The interface seems as though one needs to be an astronaut or a physicist to figure out. Schlepping back and forth making deliveries and then trying to wade through the inventory and on-screen controls is not what I want from a video game.
@Vodoo: I lost interest in Creed alkng time ago. I felt it was simply. tedious. Spiderman looked amazing at the release event and the trailer looks amazing, no pun intended. I have a back log of several games and after Xmas, will probably have a few more.
Without a doubt, this is one of the best games I ever played. The story is very real and the voice acting is truly superb. There are some heady flaws including long travel times and ridiculous save points. The game has tons of stories, side missions and hundreds of things to do. But you get lost and even confused, with all of the crafting, upgrades and other miscellaneous things to improve your overall character or camp.
IMHO, the best RPG of all time is The Witcher. A solid 10. RDR2 comes in a close second, but falls short because for the reasons noted above.
It is not even a contest for Game of the Year. RDR2 is head and shoulders above anything that has been produced or released in 2018, maybe even 2017 for that matter. The story and acting are simply first rate and compelling. This game stays with you long after to log off. I am about 42% through and it feels like I missed SO many things, which I know I did. There is simply so many things to do and see, in addition to side quests, crafting options, upgrades, etc. No other game can match this world. With the exception of God of War, you simply cannot compare any of these other games to RD2.
@boshk: totally agree. I have both an Asus and a Samsung tablet, doesn't work on either. So what's the point? Using my 5" smartphone to try and read the map? What a joke!
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