What happens in my week?
I receive finally my grades for the second term. The worst grade I have this term is in french with a 73%. I think I'm ok with that. If I compare with the first term, all my grade are lower, but it,s becuz of Xmas exams. They were thougher than the others exams.
Girl in my science's class always want to read the story. One of these crazies told to her mother if she can make a book with my story. she say yes. From now 2 posiibilities:
1. The girl was liying to me
2. The girl say only the thruth
When she told me that, I said likes this way" I don't wanna make a book, OK :evil:" I know that I miss chance to make a book. I pass of the no-one-care-about-me to the great writter stories. Only becuz a story. Now, I kinda deseperate by this. Why people always wants to see what other does? For bothering and insulting them? Maybe...
Tomorrow, I will got an activity day with school and the day after no school, so I will be playing game and make some Internet surfing. See ya later.
P.S.: O yeah! I forgot to say that level 21 now. I passed the cursed level 20.Youhou!