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My first blog. Like you really care.

I have no clue what to type. I'm trying to decide whether to be intelligent or funny. Or both. You know, like George Bush. Except he's not funny. Or intelligent. And don't be annoyed at that quip; they're my political views, and no matter how much you say I'm wrong, I won't change my mind. Like how when someone says that they like the 360 more than the PS3 or whatever, they get attacked by a million rabid fanboys who start screaming some incomprehensible nonsense. Something like: "OMG, Rezistance PWNS HAlo ur an idiot gay fanboy!!!11!!" You all know that happens. It's what happens when dumb people get online and figure that since nobody will ever know who they are, they can be the biggest jerk ever known to mankind. Or they're devoted to the point of stalking Ken Kutaragi/Peter Moore/Shigeru Miyamoto. Although, getting Miyamoto's autograph would be cool. And stalking is kinda fun...