I was really suprised when they announced a new Kid Icarus title at E3, but for the 3DS? Why not for the Wii instead? I mean here's a franchise that's been dead for so long and they finally decide to bring it back, but on a handheld. It makes me wonder though, could Nintendo be developing a game for the Wii?
slipkill89's forum posts
and it sucks! Anyways it was my second one that RROD and I am curious if I call will they take it with no problem? See it was the one they gave me when I sent my first one in. Will the warranty still cover it?
that would make sense, Warhawk had a great engine - huge scale, great framerate, lots of stuff going on (maps with 32 players, etc.)
i don't get people complaining about the graphics in Twisted Metal... ya know the whole thing of "what is your intention?"
what do you intend to bring to Twisted Metal by potentially making the game smaller for the sake of a minor graphics improvement?
The same reason why people complain about the graphics in Crackdown.....
They are thick.
Hey man I just want to comment on your sig, it's awesome!
About the graphics though I wouldn't mind(and I'm sure a lot of other people won't either) if the they looked sharped. Twisted Metal has always been about the gameplay and that's what most matters though.
I'm looking forward to Other M. I like the mix of Ninja Gaiden with 2d/3D sidescrolling. Now I just need to get a Wii.
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