Yep, the virus of "tagging" finally caught me, and even though I don't like this kind of "chain" game, I'll post some facts 'bout me, cuz I think it's good that everyone know a little more about each other here.
1. I'm 16-year-old Brazilian boy (even with the Brazilian flag on the back of my blog's banner and the "BR", some people couldn't figure it out :P), and I live in a city by the sea, which has the biggest port of all Latin America.
2. I'm 1.94 meter tall (around 6.36 ft.) and I was the tallest person of my classroom until last year.
3. The best friend I've ever had was born in Japan, came to Brazil when he was 3 with his family and left to Argentina some years ago. It was him who introduced me to Pokemon and System of a Down, my favourite franchise and band, respectively.
4. I already wanted to be a lot of different things since I was born. Bus driver, game designer, video game store owner, musician, comedian, web designer, publicist and federal policeman, just to quote some of them.
5. I nicknamed three friends of mine when they started going to my school. These nicknames are like their new names, because everyone calls them by those nicks, including some teachers. One of these nicks is "Tio Patinhas" (Brazilian version for Disney's Uncle Scrooge) and "Timoty" (from Timothy Goes to School, but people prefer to use it without the "h").
6. I hate going out, I'm really lazy.
7. I've never hung out with any girl and I really don't care much about it.
8. I'm Spiritist.
9. My favourite film is the Pirates of The Caribbean trilogy (until now, hoping for the fourth).
10. And just to complete ten, I have six posters on my room's walls and on my wardrobe. Three small girly ones (they're not naked), a small Ghost Rider one, a medium sized Super Smash Bros. Brawl one and a big Slipknot one.
That's it. So, I'll tag nftw, Artist09, fat_otter, gormo4, red0584 and macrules_640. If any of you have already done a blog like this or just don't want to do it, you don't need to. Do what you want. Ah, and no Song of The Post today, my sister wants to use the computer in five minutes and it's not enough to find a good song for this post.