* the best Formula-1 racer this year.
Hey guys, time's quite fast, uh? My last blog was on 8th and we're already on 17th! Whoa! I don't like leaving such a long period like this with no blogs, so let's go with a short update one.
I bought LIT from the Wii Shop Channel for 8 bucks. It's rather cool so far, though I'm stuck on the fourth boss. For the ones who don't know, LIT is a puzzle game for the WiiWare where you play as Jake, a teen stuck in a school where monsters lurk in the dark and you gotta use lights to make your way through the cl4ssrooms. The game is enjoyable and challenging, but still a little cheap (I ain't talking about the 8 bucks).
But I stopped with LIT for a while 'cause I'm back to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! I made quite some progress within a couple days. When I stopped playing kinda one month ago, I was still gathering the Tears of Light in Kakariko Village and now I'm entering the Zora's Temple Something or another with my cool swimming suit. (This suit is NOT black! :lol: )
But I had to stop it again, I have tests until next Wednesday. So far I had the Chemistry and the Physics one and I felt like I did very good on them. I knew about everything on Physics, but I'm a failure when it comes to Chemistry, but I think I got something around 8/10, let's wait and see.
So, wish me luck with the tests and with that underwater dungeon, that looks tough :lol: Have a nice week and take care! :)
P.S.: I had another change in my gaming plans... My willing comes and goes in a wink, more in the next blog.