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slithermgs4 Blog

Launch PS3's Crashing like crazy

Well like the topic says launch ps3's seem to melting down like crazy I really didn't pay it much attention until mine did. I had been looking at the ps3 board on this site and others noticing people haveing increasingly more problems with thier ps3's thinking and hopeing it wouldn't happen to me but it did [YLOD]. Now with that said I'm not saying that all of them are crashing or that they will, I'm just saying that mine did and there seem's to be a substantial amount of others. The good news is that there is a fix for some of them depending on what is wrong with your ps3, if it's because the soldering has become weak and separated from the board I highly recomend this video. This fix works if you have the right tools and enough courage. I chose to link this video over the others because it has slightly better video quality

Spring Fever

It is that time of year again, The time for flowers to bloom,warmer weather,and loads of good Bar-b-q oh yes it is. As well as my two other favorite activities Paintball and ATV riding, so I apologize in advance to Any of my friends and unions that I am  involved with For the lack of Posting and blog replies now on to the good stuff.

   First and foremost Atv riding is as much a part of my life as Breathing is. My father bought me my first atv when I was 8 years old and I have been hooked ever since. After all yhe pain that atv's have caused me you would think that I would run at the site of one but its somthing that I love very dearly, If you are wonderin about the pain that I mentioned I will just say alot of nics and bruises two Plastic surgerys, Then both of my eyes removed then replaced on seperate occasions, about two months in the hospital, three weeks of which where in ICU. Now do you think you have what it takes? And always wear a skid lid.

   And now for my last addiction Paintball, This one came into my life when I was about 12 a friend of my moms had the first paintball Marker I ever laid hands on [and it is a marker not a gun:)] and for two or three years I longed for one. Then that faitful day in November came when my mother and I where at wal-mart and I seen the one thing that I lusted for so long after A PAINTBALL MARKER. I emeaditly whent to my mom and gave her the whole christmas is coming up and I found what I want speech to which she caved into and the rest is History oh yeah paintball comes with a price as alot of welts and one dislocated knee which I am kind of greatful for Because the time that I spent on My fat imobile ass allowed me to discover Gamespot.

Can we all please just get along

Recently I have taken the time to look at the system wars, ps3, 360 boards and I am in awe of the fussing and arguing going on in the said boards about which system is the best, which has the best games, what games are going to be exclusive and so forth. I have just bought a ps3 and a copy of RFOM. why would he buy a $600 system you ask? The answer is easy because its the system that I am most associated with. I have owned a ps1, ps2 and now a ps3 I bought the ps3 because it has the franchise games that I like to play like mgs, jak and daxter, god of war, even the syphon filter games.

I don't know any thing about xbox I have only played one game for the system and that was the first splinter cell. I think gears of war looks badass but I may never know. In any case I don't want to crucified for the game system that I play.

Now to my point cant we all just get along. Why do we even play? Because we like to, Right? why does it matter which system we play games on and why does it matter which games we like to play.  We are all different We all have different thing that we like to see or do. If we where all the same I think life would be very boring. Any way you get my point I will say know more let me know what you think.

Remember when

Remember when finishing a game was a huge accomplishment I mean, when I was a kid super Mario bros  and duck hunt was it. I recall the first time that I heard a friend of mine say that she (yes she) had beat Mario bros I was like no S**t, your lying, prove it. So we went back to her house and I watched her finish the game after that I went strait home and started playing there was no way i was going to let a girl do something that I could not. It was some time later when I actually finished the game but when I did I felt such satisfaction I cant explain it and ever since then I have been searching for that same feeling only to be let down time after time. I fell like a crack head searching for that first high again. The only games that come close are the metal gear solid series but sometime even in them  I feel like I just want to get through the game to progress the story and not actually play the game. Am I the only one that feels this way? I guess you can call me a game head looking for that first finish.