i was goin to put this in ask the mods but thats mostly for moderation issues. my problem is that i tried to uplaod a video here and it met the size requirements and ite even said it had finished, but i never got the automated PM saysing that it has uploaded and its not in my video section. this isnt my first video and the others all were almost instant this one i uploaded almost a half hour ago and still nothing. is the uploading thing just being stupid or is anyone else having this problem
ok i haver the bios file on a cd, i jsut wanna know if theres anyting else i need befor i do this (never flashed or updated a bios before) i was reading on the asus site taht you need a floppy for this too but im guessing that were just replacing the floppy with a cd insted. and also how will updating the bios help with windows booting? sorry if thats a noob question this is also my first build and im in slightly over my head i do know whats goin on but its not as straight forward as i expected it to be
ok i can trythat just 2 things how do i get the bios and put it on a cd and how do i instal them. alsl i now have found the repair option, the drive was just being stupid but repairing with vista didnt do anything. i also tried to reinstall vista but it wont re accept my key.. . it says i need to install "from my original instalation screen which i donno what that is"
i donno i dont think i needed it i think i went into the wrong submenu foret the floppy. i was underthe impression that you needed to install new drivers for a new motherboard. but my original question is if i had windows xp then upgraded to ista could i use the xp repair function? or does it have to be vista, which either doesnt have the repair or i cant see it.?
ok i upgraded my MOBO, videocard, and ram. i got them instaled and turned on my computer, when it goes to try to boot it says " some hardwarechanges have happned in your computer" insert your install disc and repair". the problem is that i have vista home premium upgrade. there is only one disc co i put it in and no option came up to repair. i changed the boot priority to cdrom and booted again and it put me back to the same screen. that screen also has the option to boot in safe mode, start normally or last working settings, but if i go to any of them they just stop and restart and put me back to the same screen that i started at. plz if anyone knows whats happning ittl help alot!
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