What an OUTRAGE!! This pathetic, snivelling imbecile displays zero capability or professionalism as a journaliist. How does this moron get or keep this job with all the bright kids desparate for work today?
So.... what you are saying is that I need to listen to, and appreciate Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber because they are artists? While I agree that there is a certain amount of artistic and creative content in video games, they are first and foremost a participatory entertainment form. To that end, their primary function is not to impress the user with their artistry, but to provide an experience that is ultimately enjoyable for said user. Additionally, a video game, like art, contains significant amounts of what could be considered craftsmanship (ie. lack of bugs, rendering, etc.) which could be argued is more important in this media, and whose delineation is more difficult to define than in other art forms.
Quite frankly, I believe that the focus on the advancement of the art form, as opposed to the quality of the gamers experience by journalists such as yourself, is damaging to the experience that gamers (especially casual) are paying for. Many people absolutely loved WWII shooters, yet a company would not dare put one out now as they would be crucified by you cognicenti irrespective of the quality of the game. Lighten up Brendan, it is about enjoyment, not some etherial quest.
Who gives a rats a$s what a "pro gamer" thinks! When I care what some pasty-faced, basement-dwelling lifeless imbecile thinks I'll Fedex you my brain. WAKE UP guys!!! Those of us who actually PAY for these games are looking for a different experience than one of your "pro gamer" losers. We actually have to get up from time to time to take a leak, or go to school, or go to work, and interact with the HUMAN RACE. No wonder most games coming out these days s%$k out loud, because you are asking the wrong people what should be in them.
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