It was bound to happen and what a Tuesday morning it was as thousands of disgruntled sims decided to turn the tables on recent satellites that have fallen onto hapless sim neighbors. Sims took to the streets as early as 5 am and made their way to the ever popular Satellite Fields, a location known for heavy laden satellite falling activity. What few satellites were still in the field fell prey to what local sims dubbed as "Sim droppings" as sims hurled themselves upon each and every satellite that could be found.
"We just wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine for once." stated local Grilled Cheese fanatic Dustin Broke as he lept up and off of a cheese covered satellite he had just flung himself upon.
So is this the signaling of a change in the times? Will we see less satellite related deaths as Sims will vow to turn the tables and fling themselves upon any visiting hunk of metal that falls to the earth? This reporter says an emphatic "Heck no." For not more than a few minutes after seeing this event every sim in the vicinity was clobbered by their own personal flaming pile of heavenly cascading metal. Had they simply walked across the street to where I had taken refuge, instead of idly chatting away with each other about grilled cheese, new hobbies and various loves of the neighborhood beef cakes, this untimely Sims disaster would never have happened. Reporting live from across the street at the Satellite Fields, this is Iam A. Weiner signing out.
*We here at the Satellite Fields would like to thank you all for taking part in our April Fools Day story. Had this been a "real" story, there would have been far more information about the Grilled Cheese sandwiches that were referred to and Satellites, as we all know, would never be caught dead standing idly by as some silly sim tried to jump upon it. Satellites just don't let things like that happen to them; that is unless one was to liquor them up real well first. A drunk satellite is not a very fast satellite so it might be just possible to jump on one if a sim so desired. But again, seeing as how most satellites do not have the capacity to drink, as they have no stomachs nor mouths to even speak of, let alone from, such an act of absurdity would never happen. Happy April Fools Day to you all from the Satellite Fields :D