So the first PS3 game made it's way into my house. I found Ninja Geiden: Sigma for a price that couldn't be beat. I'm sure many will argue there are better games out there that can be bought regardless of the price, but I knew this came highly suggested by GS and many other gamers, there was only one copy and the price was actually very close to the limit I've set for myself for a monthly gaming allowance. Yeah an allowance; for any future moms and dads out there that are gamers you will need such a thing for both your time and money if you want to save your hobby! ;) Here came my dilema with this newly found game: do I subject it to a lowly 480i display and stereo sound on the old 27" CRT and still be able to play it while exercising on the bike? or do I move the PS3 to the living room to enjoy 1080i hi-def, game mode special screen mode on the HDTV, widescreen aspect and the 5.1 digital surround sound? Seeing as how I had yet to play any PS3 game on this machine, I decided it was best to just test the whole thing out on the living room entertainment set-up. The result? I NEVER want to play a game in 480i EVER again! The surround sound I could live without, but the widescreen hi-def graphics will be sorely missed when I am forced to move the PS3 back up stairs due to lack of exercise, complaints from toddler/wife and the hazard of having this machine near the destructable hands of a two year old. I have, at least, made plans with my wife that another HDTV will have to be purchased sometime next winter, which is probably for the best with cable companies going to this format exclusively in 2009. Until then, I will be making the perilous trip of moving the PS3 to the living room HDTV at least one more time. I've already warned my wife that the PS3 will be taking up residence downstairs once Star Wars: The Force Unleashed has been released. And it will stay there until said game has been beaten. I refuse to subject this game to 480i servitude when I know what resides just downstairs. God help my family if I ever get my hands on a 1080p HDTV. :shock:
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