Exactly how does one not blog since November of last year? Simple, throw a 3 year old and 1 year old into your house and see how much free time you find for it! :lol: In fact, I got so busy watching these two that I ended up ignoring any offers from online stores for PC parts, bought only 2 PC games and did very little research on how I could further improve the PC I had built. In the land of modding PCs such behavior would be deemed insanity. It's even worse when you have a MB like the Biostar TPower I45 which apparently has been breaking FSB overclocking records for months now. Don't believe me? Visit here for some intesting reading. Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids and spending time with them. But sometimes adults need something a little more stimulating to do than bury feet in sandboxes. And so with an unexpected breakdown in my PSU, or rather an annoying rattling fan in said unit that just couldn't be tolerated anymore, what started as a simple RMA process has now ballooned into a full blown PC modding adventure. I've started uploading a few pictures and will try to get more up as the project continues. To date I have RMA'd my PSU, installed a new Zalman CNPS 9500 AT heatsink, installed a 5.25" fan bay with three 40mm fans, connected the 120mm hard drive fan to a seperate manually controlled fan header, reorganize two SATA cables to prepare for an eventual second hard drive for RAID 0 setup, cleaned out the entire case of the horrid dust build up and purchased several DEMCiflex filters to prevent the dust invasion from happening again. After all this work I again realized exactly what I did last year after getting the custom build to a stable spot: this kind of work is too freakin' time consuming, tiring and brain draining when young kids are clamoring for your attention too. :lol: Hopefully I'll have the whole project wrapped up and the fixed PSU back before next month. I honestly don't know how much longer I can tolerate my hand me down 7 year old laptop as being the sole computer in the house for everyone to use. :shock: Until then, thanks for dropping by to my first blog in months and be sure to check out the pictures in my new Custom PC Modding album. I'll be sure to drop some pictures in there from time to time when I have the money and time for new upgrades. Hmm, maybe one day I'll even try out some overclocking on that Biostar MB like these guys have been doing. ;)
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