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Understanding the Satellite Fields

Despite a disappointing end to the Indianapolis Colt's season, I've managed to soak up a little sun in the rare clear days, have reread four of the five Hitchhiker Guide books in the trilogy (you have to read the series to understand that one) and have improved slightly in mood. I'm still waging the good fight to clear the depression out and in the attempt to aid that I bring you, for no reason other than I have nothing else better to do with my work downtime, "Understanding the Satellite Fields." Why would anyone want to understand this bizarre area? I for one don't know but am hoping the researcher who does venture into this often times perilous place will help answer such a question. Because I for one prefer to stay on the other side of the neighborhood and produce ill-tasted, humorous films from the safety of the filming studio. (Exactly where this whole writing will go, how long it will last, and how amusing it really is are things I cannot say. All that can be said at this time is that I feel like writing and as such it often turns out odd and written in such a way that many people want to know just what the heck was I thinking. Since I, myself, rarely know what my prion infested brain is thinking I suppose we will all find the answer to that question when it emerges. And perhaps come out of the whole ordeal slightly smarter, dumber or just disgusted from the whole experience. Such is the price of reading my writing, as many of my prior teachers and professors can attest to).

"Understanding the Satellite Fields" as reported by Professor Iam Atoole, PhD of Bizarre and Inexplicable Phenomena That No One Cares to Know About.

Entry one:

Just what are the Satellite Fields? At first glance this large lot of grass and few trees with scattered debris, of the once majestic celestial beings we call satellites, strikes terror into the heart of any Sim that is unfortunate to pass by. Clearly there is some great force at work in this field, otherwise it would be just some other field with grass and a few trees and no scattered debris of the once majestic celestial beings we call satellites. Many Sims say that I am crazy to even research this deadly ground. But, I say to them "If we can understand why satellites congregate here and insist on crushing us into little bits then maybe we can find a way to avoid them when they decide to move on to another field." I say this because satellites do seem to wander to other areas of our fair domain for reasons beyond our comprehension. Of course, the leading theories of our time circulate around the premise of "odd gravitational fields", "invitations sent out for wild satellite parties", and the all too popular "those who live in the heavens must be getting some kick out of dropping satellites on us." To the latter I say "go stand under a plummeting satellite." Clearly these satellites have some greater purpose for being here. They come to visit us (on a one way trip mind you, unless of course they happen to hitch a ride with the next alien abductee who just happened to be standing near one at the time) for some reason that we must understand if we are ever to make peace with these hulking beasts. And I, for one, would like to walk freely down the road and not worry about being crushed by a satellite. Armed with my own resolve to find answers and with the previous research from the late Lord A. Wholelottabottom, I will bring the answers of the Satellite Fields to all Sims so that they may never fear being crushed by a plummeting satellite again. I post my findings here, in the event that I too become a victim of the perilous field, so that my fellow Sims may continue in my absence.