Why, because its epic on so many levels. Just the thought of a bunch of Nintendo characters, fighting on stages inspired on the franchises, with 4 players is awesome! I also like how instead of tring to get rid of your opponents health you have to knock them off stage and I lke the wide variety of moves you can use. I also like how they tried to make story modes for the series even though they are not that great. Lets also not forget the awesome music they have on the game and the fun, mini game type modes that come with it. They also never overpowered the bosses but never made them so easy to where you feel like you got a free win. Finally, it also has the most replay value of any fighting game I ever played.
2. Pokemon
Why, because its so fun and requires so much strategy. Unlike most RPGs you can have so many different types of team combinations and there are so many different types of moves. There are different types which adds a rock, paper, scissors element to the game and so many tactical strategies to where nobody really uses the same one. Even the concept of having monsters battle each other, training them, and catching them is awesome. Lets also not forget the amazing replay value and the fact that there is so much to do once you beat the game and some much side stuff to do. Finally, is the 2 on 2 battles which is probably the most important change to the Pokemon games next to the new types and wi-fi.
1. Mario
Why, because he does everything. Sports, RPGs, Platforming, Racing, Fighting, Party,the list is endless for Mario. Mario is a franchise that will never die and will always make great games!