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My top 4 favorite video game villains in groups.

In this blog post I will reveal my favorite video game villain groups. These are villans that work together to make their own evil team to defeat the hero.

So here is my list!


4. The Rabbids - Easily one of the funniest and greastest video game villain groups of all time. The way they abuse eachother, they way they do completely random things, and the lack of true evil among them make them so great. How many villains would use hotdogs as weapons and would torture someone by making them complete games like throwing cows. I think it is the lack of true evil and their stupidity thatmake them so great.


3. Tetris Blocks - I know what you are thinking, the Tetris blocks are not villains, well if you think that..... YOU ARE WRONG! The Tetris blocks do many things that should make them be c*assified as villains. Constantly falling, testing your reflexes, your patience, your intelligence, and your endurance. On top of all that, the further you get the faster they fall which pushes your reflexes to the limits. I have gotten frustrated so many times with these blocks, that I feel they deserve a spot on the list.


2. The Koopalings - These guy make an awesome group just because they are all different. You have Larry who is sort of bad tempored and sporty, then their is Morton Jr. who is the big brute of the bunch, there is also Iggy who is the goofy smart one, also their is Lemmy the immature and playful one, there's Roy who is the cool bully of the family, also their is Wendy who is the only girl, and finally their is Ludwig who is the oldest and the leader of the bunch. Their different looks, personalities, and fightingst*le make them and intresting bunch and one of my favorite villain groups.


1. The Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man Ghosts - Their are several things about these Ghosts I like. first of all, they are all different. Their is Blinky who is the leader of this bunch, being the fastest and the one who trailes you the most. Pinky who is the smart one who usually ends up trapping you into your doom. Inky who is completely unpredictable and will trick you in many ways with him randomness, but still traps or ambushes you if given the opportunity. And lets not forget Clyde/Sue who is the idiot one of the group and does whtever the hell it wants to do, yet still manages to kill you. On top of all of their difference which can throw the player off, they also make a great team. 95% of the time you die in that game is because two or three of the ghosts surround you and trap you. They have probably killed more players then any other video game villain group this only goes to show that teamwork is the key to victory.


That is my list of the greatest video game group villains!