I got a chance to play this thing at E3 and didn't even know what the hell I was doing. I was clapping trying voice commands and didn't realize how much of a fool I looked.
Recently, I bought the copy two days ago and I haven't been hooked on games in general for awhile until I got this.
Very easy to pick up and play. The rhythmic style of play and the esoteric stages you traversed in is easy to be absorbed in. The more you play the more you understand the symbolic nature behind the game.
You find yourself doing alot of Wax-On Wax-Off sort of movements but controlling the reticle through hand movements is actually responsive (depending on the speed of your cursor of course) and feels great.
It's different from anything I've played before and I tried to play with a controller. The difference in playing between Kinect and a controller is night and day. Honestly, within the oversaturated FPS and me-too crap out there this is probably one of the more refreshingly original games I've played in awhile not just for the sake of being original but because it's just so damn fun.
I'll have a review up soon.