A few years ago, I had the privilege of playing one of the most awe inspiring games of all time, Xenogears. When I first played it in, I think, 1998, it struck me as one of those great games with a great story and great gameplay. I was right on two counts and semi-right on the other. Xenogears, in my opinion is one of the games that stuck in my head well after playing it, even now, it is etched into my mind very clearly. It truly was a blockbuster and a game that no gamer, be it RPG fan or casual gamer, should miss.
When Xenosaga Episode I was first previewed, I read it and felt very excited about it. I knew that the Xenosaga series would be six chapters in length and that Xenogears was the fifth chapter. I felt pretty excited about Xenosaga, I waited patiently for it's release, feeling that it would be a monumental blockbuster that would set the stage for the six-part video game epic. When it arrived, I bought it and played it. After playing however, I was not in awe like in Xenogears. It was a pretty good game overall, but it failed to impress me. Although it sets up the story pretty well, it feels a bit short. I have no qualms over the lengthy cutscenes, but still it felt too short.
Xenosaga's gameplay was OK, featuring some new innovating features such as mail, a card game, a casino, but still I feel it was not quite good enough. It's battle system was good enough, but it still could have been better, the boost system should have been further utilized and the combo system should have been retained. It's story is still blockbuster worthy, although not quite on par with Xenogears. If Xenogears was Michael Jordan, Xenosaga Episode I would be Michael Jordan in the 80's; good but could be better.
What I have to say is that Xenosaga could have been better, much better. Yet, overall it was quite enjoyable and fun. Not on Xenogears' level but it's good enough to set up the start of the epic. Still, the next installment, based on my readings, is not that better than Episode I. I just hope that Xenogears' winning formula can be implemented in Xenosaga episode III. And that's not just a changes in costumes and looks.
Well that's my two cents in. Sayonara journal.