Now I'm gonna be honest and say I've been a die-hard supporter of the Wii since its, well, its inception, if you will. But now I am starting to get a little annoyed. I know-Metroid, Galaxy, and Brawl will have no trouble calming me, but every other game, every other developer, let's go now: we need to up the graphics. It's been said and proven that the Wii is roughly two times the power of Gamecube, more powerful than the original Xbox (I heard a little more than 1.5 times as powerful...can't remember the source for that info). So developers: let's start seeing it. I mean, I LOVE my Wii, and I love playing it. But let's go people...the controller cannot save the games anymore. We've seen what the controller can do, and that's a lot. Now push the power of the system to its limits (look at what Naughty Dog did with the PS2...Jak 3 is amazing looking). I am sick of this second-rate attitude toward graphics. If you're going to have 480p and wide-screen, give me something good. Hell, I even liked Spider-Man 3, but COME ON. Disappearing textures? Botched animations? Let's go...I am starting to get annoyed.
And I know...I will have people bashing the system COMPLETELY...I hate fanboys.
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