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All but a Blight-Queller: Of Bioware and Ferelden

As my journey with Dragon Age: Origins comes to a close, I and filled with…sadness. Yes…sadness would be the right word. I invested a lot of time an effort into this game and all its numerous pieces of DLC over the past two months and I'm a bit depressed that it's all over. Over those two months, I spent only an hour or two on week days and around 10 hours on weekends playing, and I got into a good rhythm. Dragon Age: Origins became a habit; not an addiction but a part of life. After my late clas*ses this semester and polishing off homework, I really enjoyed kicking back for an hour or so every night exploring another great Bioware clas*ic. To pay my respects, I thought I'd right down my impressions for each part of the journey as much to share my impressions with others as to take a nostalgic trip down memory myself. Please leave me comments! [I refer to the Main Game as "Origins," so don't be confused!] There are really no spoilers here, just suggestions you could ignore at your own peril!

Origins Main Game: This was a long game. There was a lot to do and see, and I did everything. Bioware certainly pulled off another clas*ic. The best part of the game for me was the origin stories themselves. They all end with Ostagar and aren't too long, but each was written quite well. I thought the human noble was the best by far, giving you access to your dog 2 minutes into the game, and providing the only exclusive areas in the game (as in the Cousland Castle is not accessible for any other origin character, not the case with any other environments). The side quests were great, the plot kept you going, but the characters stole the show. [My Rating: 9]

-On Warden's Peak: Interesting side quest, and provides some of the best items in the game. Also let's you store items, but be warned that those stored won't carry on to the expansion and DLC's (neither will the best items). [My Rating: 6]

-On Return to Ostagar: An opportunity to see what's left of Ostagar. It's nostalgic, but there's not much to do here, with only 1 or 2 worthwhile items. I'd recommend bringing Alistar and Wynne for conversation's sake. [My Rating: 5]

-On Feastday Gifts and Pranks: Essential if you screw up some characters' approval. The pranks are…interesting, but will only destroy relationships. [My Rating: 7 (ignore the pranks)]

Darkspawn Chronicles: A great idea, but poorly executed. The DLC seemed glitchy to me, and it's kind of boring. You'll just play through the major areas of Denerim and fight the Warden's. It's pretty hard too. I died 4 times trying to kill Stenn and his army of golems. The "side quests" don't even work sometimes. The only pro of this adventure is the weapon you get for Origins and Awakening when you finish it. The ending is the only interesting part. [My Rating: 5.5]

Leliana's Song: I had a good time with this one. We see how Leliana went from assassin to a life in the Chantry (she's not actually that crazy!). This adventure was lighthearted and has a few twists. It wasn't too deep, but I did feel invested in the characters by the end (it's deeper if you actually talk to the other party members). I don't know why this gets such a bad rap among fans. You can also get a decent item that transfers over to Origins and Awakening. [My Rating: 8]

Awakening Expansion: The only reason this is an expansion is because of its length. Awakening had the potential to be a sequel if Bioware wished it, if not for the exact same mechanics as Origins and the relatively short length. Don't let the length fool you, there's still plenty to do. The conversation system with you party members is disappointing, but I did like how examining object in the environment sparks unique conversions with you party members. As a suggestion, I'd go to the marshes last if you want to get all the companion quests. When you complete the last main quest, in whatever order you choose, you won't be able to have new members complete The Joining which will prevent you from getting some companion quests. There are a few neat secrets here if you pay attention to your codex entries and the doors at Vigil's Keep…hint hint. [My Rating: 9]

Golems of Amgarrak: Wow, as if I haven't seen enough of the Deep Roads. Bioware beat a dead horse many times over with recycled tunnel environments. The only reason I finished this was to get the achievements, and that was pretty difficult. If you don't have a warrior who wields a shield, you'll have a hard time defeating the final boss on higher difficulties. I am so sick of dwarves, roads that are deep, and dwarven politics. [My Rating: 4.5]

Witch Hunt: I really don't see why so many peopled disliked this adventure. It's called "Witch Hunt," not "Afternoon Tea with Morrigan." When you find the witch, the hunt is over, what did people expect? This adventure has what I thought were good characters, who actually talk to each other a quite lot while you travel. I also had a chance to use Rufus (my dog), and realized he's actually a really good character. Morrigan may have only a brief appearance, but if her appearance was any longer if would defeat purpose of the outcome of the Origins main game. Witch Hunt is one of the only parts of Dragon Age, besides Origins, that has much closure, and it wrapped things up pretty well. Best boss fight included. [My Rating: 8]

-Organized Closing Rants-

For Origins, the sum of its parts is better than any individual game or DLC. I'd give my entire adventure a 10 out of 10. It didn't really strike me as how much I enjoyed the game until I was part way through Awakening. I realized just how…big…the experience was.

A brief point on Dragon Age II: I'm always wary when a title gets a number tacked on the end, but it worked for Mass Effect 2. I thought the graphics and art was a major improvement when I played the demo, but they may have taken the combat system in the wrong direction. I will say that any Bioware game makes just about all other games pale in comparison, and I firmly refute anyone's claim that Bioware is falling from glory. Again though, my impressions are solely based off the demo.

A word to the wise: If you interested at all at Dragon Age: Origins, go right to the Ultimate Edition. Even if you think you're getting just the main game at a bargain, you're not. Remember to take the DLC for what it is, overpriced but fun content that's best experienced when packaged with the main game if possible. [Also: don't play a dwarven origins story unless you are really committed to having a dwarf character; the locations you visit will be seen many times over. If you think you want to be a tank, go for a shield-using human noble. Deep Roads are so…meh…]

All that's left for me is the Blight-Queller Achievement, as the title suggests, and two others. If anyone has tips or personal experiences with this achievement, please let me know as I start a second playthrough. This is the only non-downloadable game I have a chance at getting 100% on, and I feel I owe it to Bioware.